
In: Computer Science

20.1: Checking on the Drought [(JAVA, ECLIPSE), Please keep the program as short as possible] The...

20.1: Checking on the Drought

[(JAVA, ECLIPSE), Please keep the program as short as possible]

  • The California drought is a topic that is weighing heavily on the minds of many people in this state.
  • With all the rain we have gotten this year, we are all hoping the drought is over
  • Let's examine some rainfall data for Silicon Valley to get a sense of how this year's rainfall compares to the average rainfall.
  • For this assignment, you will be practicing arrays and File I/O.
  • First, create a new file called average_rain.txt.
  • Then, copy and paste the following data into your file. Make sure that each value is on its own line and that there are no blank lines between values.


  • This data represents the average monthly rainfall for San Jose as measured between 1961-1990.
  • Note that each data point is the total rainfall for one of the 12 months of the year. The first data point represents the average rainfall in January and the last data point represents the average rainfall in December.
  • Save your file and then create a new text file called rain2018_19.txt.
  • Copy and paste the following data into this file. Again make sure that each data point is on its own line and that there are no blank lines between data points.


  • This data represents the rainfall in San Jose from March 2018-February 2019, with the first number representing the rainfall in January 2018 and the last number representing the rainfall in December 2018
  • Note that each data point is the average rainfall for one of the 12 months of the year.
  • The first data point represents the average rainfall in January, and the last data point represents the average rainfall in December.
  • Now, open Eclipse and create a new Java source file named
  • The first goal of our program is to read the input data from our two files and store the data in two separate arrays - one array for the 2018-19 rainfall data and one array for the average rainfall data.
  • What size should you make these arrays? Hint: How many months are there in the year?
  • After you have declared your arrays, you need to open each file and, using a loop, write the data into the slots of your array.
  • What kind of loop do you need here? Hint: Do you know in advance how many data points are in each file? Try a for loop.
  • You will need to open two different files and write the contents into two different arrays.
  • Therefore, you will need to close the stream for one file before you open the other file, like so:


input = new Scanner(averageFile);

  • Your program should write the results to a file in the form of a table that looks like this:

Rainfall in San Jose: A Comparison

Average        2018-9        Deficit
2.99        2.89        0.10
3.31        5.61        -2.30
2.05        3.2        -1.15
1.06        0.0        1.06
0.39        0.0        0.39
0.08        0.0        0.08
0.08        0.0        0.08
0.08        0.0        0.08
0.24        0.0        0.24
0.79        0.0        0.79
1.89        1.92        -0.03
2.13        1.53        0.60

Total deficit: -0.06

  • To do so, you will need another loop to write the contents of your arrays to the file. Create another textfile called rain_comparison.txt and write the above data to the file.
  • Note that you will need to adjust the number of tabs until your data is lined up properly as in the image above.
  • Note that you should also print the total deficit below the table, as shown above. Hint: keep a running sum of the deficit inside your final for loop


Expert Solution

Note: Could you plz go through this code and let me know if u need any changes in this.Thank You

// average_rain.txt



// rain2018_19.txt




import java.util.Scanner;

public class Rainfall {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       //Declaring one Dimensional Array
       double averageRain[]=new double[12];
       double rain2018_19[]=new double[12];
       //Declaring variables
       double totalDeficit=0,def=0;
       Scanner sc=null;
try {
   //Opening the file and read the data and populate the values into an array
           sc=new Scanner(new File("average_rain.txt"));
           for(int i=0;i<averageRain.length;i++)
           sc=new Scanner(new File("rain2018_19.txt"));
           for(int i=0;i<rain2018_19.length;i++)
       } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
//Displaying the Results
for(int i=0;i<averageRain.length;i++)
//Displaying the output
System.out.printf("Total deficit:%.2f",totalDeficit);




Average   2018-9       Deficit
2.99       2.89       0.10
3.31       5.61       -2.30
2.05       3.20       -1.15
1.06       0.00       1.06
0.39       0.00       0.39
0.08       0.00       0.08
0.08       0.00       0.08
0.08       0.00       0.08
0.24       0.00       0.24
0.79       0.00       0.79
1.89       1.92       -0.03
2.13       1.53       0.60
Total deficit:-0.06

_______________Could you plz rate me well.Thank You

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