
In: Computer Science

Write a Java Program to determine if a candidate qualifies for a FHA Mortgage. (using eclipse...

Write a Java Program to determine if a candidate qualifies for a FHA Mortgage. (using eclipse IDE)

The qualifications given are:
  • Residence: The home must be your primary residence.
  • Down payment: They must have a credit score of at least 563.
The Java Program needs to do the following. This can all be done in the main()  method.
  1. Create a boolean variable to store the Residence requirement.
  2. Prompt the user to "Enter 1 if the Home will be the primary residence, or 0 if not the primary residence". Store the result of step 2 into a byte variable.
  3. Set the boolean variable from step 1 to true or false depending on value in step 2.
  4. Create an int variable to store the credit score.
  5. Prompt for the credit score and store it in the variable created in step 5.
  6. If the residency and credit score qualify, then display "Qualifies for the loan". Otherwise display "Does not qualify for the loan".

This can all be done inside the main() method.

Example Input/Output:

Enter 1 if the Home will be the primary residence, or 0 if not the primary residence: 1

Enter the Credit Score: 500

Does not qualify for the loan.


Expert Solution

hey there ! i am done with the code ,,, Please give me a like to appciate my work and efforts....

here is the code -

package FHA;

import java.util.Scanner;

* @author Aditya kumar
public class FHAClass {

public static void main(String args[])
Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
//step 1 : declaring boolean variable
boolean primaryresidence=false;
int creditscore=0;
System.out.println("Enter 1 if the Home will be the primary residence, or 0 if not the primary : ");
int check=sc.nextInt();
//step 2 for the credit score
System.out.println("Enter the Credit Score : ");
if(creditscore>=563 && check==1)
System.out.println("Qualifies for the Loan .");

else if(creditscore<563 && check==0)
System.out.println("Does not Qualify for the Loan .");

System.out.println("Please Enter appropiate option ");

and the snapshot of the output is -

Thank You ! Dont forget to like !

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