
In: Psychology

In chronological order how was validity developed on the life position scale(must include the types of...

In chronological order how was validity developed on the life position scale(must include the types of validity)


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The Life Position Scale was developed by Fredrick A.Boholst in 2002. It consists of 24 items which were classified into 4 subscales, such as

- I am okay (Positive)

- I am not okay (Negative)

- You are okay (Positive)

- You are not okay (Negative)

The researcher used 95 participants. And a exploratory type of factor analysis was used to find out the underlying factors that affects the variables in the data and the items were classified in to 4 group, which consisted of all 'I' items, all 'You' items, all 'Okay' items and all 'Not okay' items together.

And the test was found to have concurrent validity, in which the total scale explains 37.7% of total variance, with an eigenvalue of 4,79% for 'I' 'Okay' sub dimension and 3,65% for 'You' 'Okay' sub dimension.

Types Of Validity:

- Construct validity: It represents the extend to which the experimantal relationship of cause and effect applies to the real life sitiations.

- Criterion related validity: It represents the extend to which the researcher predicts a variable that serves as designated criteria. This validilty is considered as most credible.

The 2 types of construct validity are , predictive validity (to predict the future level of variable from current measurements) and concurrent validity (it measures the relationship between variables that are found with existing tests)

- Internal validity: It represents the extend to which there is a actual causual relationship between the variables.

- Content validity: It represents the extend to which the experiment has adequate sample size that represents the targeted sample.

- Conclusion validity: It represents the extend to which there is some relationship between two variables which could either have a positive or a negative correlation.

- External validity: It represents the extend to which the causual relationship could be generalized to other people or items.

- Face validity: It represents the extend to which the relationship among variables is appeared to be valid, which is subjective to the researcher.

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