
In: Computer Science

Python pls create a function called search_position. This function returns a dictionary. team1 = {'Fiora': {'Top':...

Python pls

create a function called search_position. This function returns a dictionary.

team1 = {'Fiora': {'Top': 1, 'Mid': 4, 'Bottom': 3},'Olaf': {'Top': 3, 'Mid': 2, 'Support': 4},'Yasuo': {'Mid': 2, 'Top': 5},'Shaco': {'Jungle': 4, 'Top': 2, 'Mid': 1}}

def search_position(team1):

should return

{'Top': {'Fiora': 1, 'Yasuo':5,'Olaf':3,'Shaco':},
'Jungle': {'Shaco': 4},
'Mid': {'Yasuo', 2, 'Fiora': 4,'Olaf':2},
'Bottom': {'Fiora': 3},
'Support': {'Olaf': 4}}


The result should be alphabetical order.


Expert Solution

team1 = {'Fiora': {'Top': 1, 'Mid': 4, 'Bottom': 3},'Olaf': {'Top': 3, 'Mid': 2, 'Support': 4},'Yasuo': {'Mid': 2, 'Top': 5},'Shaco': {'Jungle': 4, 'Top': 2, 'Mid': 1}}

def search_position(team1):
for k,v in team1.items():
temp=list(v.keys())#get the positions
for j in temp:
if j not in l:#append to list if position is not present in list l
l.append(j)#get the unique positions
for i in l:
d[i]=dict()#create dictionary of positions
for k,v in team1.items():
for k1,v1 in v.items():
d[k1][k]=v1#from team1 dictionaey get the values
temp=(sorted(d.items(),key=lambda k:(k[0],k[1])))#sort alphabetically and store the returned list in temp
for i in temp:#for each tuple in list temp, get the key and value pairs to dictionary
return d#return dictionary


The screenshots are attached below for reference.

Please follow them for output and proper indentation.

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