
In: Operations Management

Al Qadea create an effective and efficient terrorist group profile, you must be sure to include...

Al Qadea

create an effective and efficient terrorist group profile, you must be sure to include the following information:

  • Aliases
  • Bases of Operation
  • Date Formed
  • Strength/Number of members
  • Organizational Structure
  • Classification (i.e. Religious, Nationalist, etc.)
  • Is there a leader?
    • Provide a photo of the group leader
    • Group Leader Demographics (i.e. DOB, Place of Birth, Citizenship Height, Weight, Eyes, Languages, etc.)
    • Is there a reward for the capture of the group leader? If so, how much is the reward?
  • Financial Sources
  • Founding Philosophy
  • Brief History of the Terrorist Group
  • Current Short Term & Long Term Goals
  • Current Model and Trend of Terrorism (i.e. Rural, Urban, Insurgent)
    • Note: These three models represent general trends from 1945-Present. Since terrorism is dynamic, the models are generalizations. They illustrate shifts in strategy and specific tactics of terrorism. These models help to explain the evolution and practice of contemporary and modern terrorism.
    • How are law enforcement entities and government agencies using this information to track and catch these networks using counter-terrorist operational tactics?
  • Methods or Tactics of Attack
  • If applicable: Related Groups
  • Has the United States designated this group as a foreign or terrorist organization? If so, in what year was this group designated?
  • Have other international governments’ designated this group at all? If so, in what year was this group designated?


Expert Solution

Recognizing verification

The Bureau of Counterterrorism in the State Department (CT) industriously screens the activities of mental oppressor bundles dynamic around the world to recognize potential concentrations for task. While reviewing potential targets, CT looks not exactly at the certifiable mental oppressor ambushes that a social event has finished, yet furthermore at whether the get-together has busy with masterminding and courses of action for possible future shows of dread mongering or holds the capacity and objective to do such acts.


At the point when a goal is recognized, CT prepares a point by point "administrative record," which is an accumulation of information, ordinarily including both arranged and open sources information, showing that the lawful measures for task have been satisfied. In case the Secretary of State, in conversation with the Attorney General and the Secretary of the Treasury, decides to make the task, Congress is educated regarding the Secretary's desire to dole out the affiliation and given seven days to review the task, as the INA requires. Upon the slip by of the seven-day holding up period and without Congressional movement to hinder the task, notice of the task is conveyed in the Federal Register, along these lines, everything considered the task produces results. By law an affiliation doled out as a FTO may search for legitimate review of the task in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit not later than 30 days after the task is dispersed in the Federal Register.

So far the INA gave that FTOs must be redesignated at customary interims or the task would pass. Under the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA), nevertheless, the redesignation essential was replaced by certain review and forswearing strategies. IRTPA gives that a FTO may record a solicitation for denial 2 years after its task date (or by virtue of redesignated FTOs, its most recent redesignation date) or 2 years after the confirmation date on its most recent intrigue for disavowal. In order to give a reason to revocation, the mentioning of FTO must give verification that the conditions forming the explanation behind the task are enough uncommon as to warrant disavowal. If no such review has been driven during a multi year time length with respect to a task, by then the Secretary of State is required to study the task to choose if disavowal would be fitting. Additionally, the Secretary of State may at whatever point disavow a task upon a finding that the conditions confining the explanation behind the task have changed so as to warrant revocation, or that the national security of the United States warrants a refusal. The identical procedural necessities apply to disavowals made by the Secretary of State as apply to assignments. A task may be disavowed by an Act of Congress, or set aside by a Court demand.

Legitimate Criteria for Designation under Section 219 of the INA as changed

It must be a remote affiliation.

The affiliation must make part in mental activist move, as portrayed in territory or dread based abuse, as described in zone of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1988 as well as hold the limit and reason to make part in mental aggressor move or dread mongering.

The affiliation's mental oppressor development or dread based mistreatment must trade off the security of U.S. nationals or the national security (national gatekeeper, remote relations, or the money related premiums) of the United States.

Legitimate Ramifications of Designation

It is unlawful for a person in the United States or subject to the district of the United States to deliberately give "material assistance or resources" to a doled out FTO. (The articulation "material assistance or resources" is portrayed in as " any property, considerable or slippery, or organization, including cash or financial instruments or fiscal securities, budgetary organizations, abiding, getting ready, ace urging or help, safehouses, sham documentation or recognizing proof, trades equipment, workplaces, weapons, savage substances, explosives, staff (in any event 1 individuals who maybe or consolidate oneself), and transportation, except for drug or exacting offers that to these reasons "the term 'planning' connotes direction or training proposed to give a specific skill, as opposed to general data.; further offers that to these reasons the term 'ace advice or help' implies admonishment or help got from intelligent, particular or other explicit data.''

Agents and people from an alloted FTO, if they are untouchables, are restricted to and, in explicit conditions, removable from the United States

Any U.S. cash related association that becomes careful that it has responsibility for power over resources in which an alloted FTO or its administrator has a premium must hold responsibility for control over the advantages and report the resources for the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Division of the Treasury.

Various Effects of Designation

Supports our undertakings to check mental fighting financing and to encourage various nations to do in like manner.

Criticizes and limits appointed mental oppressor affiliations all around.

Forestalls blessings or responsibilities to and budgetary trades with named affiliations.

Expands open care and data on mental oppressor affiliations.

Signs to various governments our uneasiness about named affiliations.

Revocations of Foreign Terrorist Organizations

The Immigration and Nationality Act sets out three potential purpose behind disavowing a Foreign Terrorist Organization task:

The Secretary of State must deny a task if the Secretary finds that the conditions that were the reason of the task have changed so as to warrant a renouncement;

The Secretary of State must deny a task if the Secretary finds that the national security of the United States warrants a denial;

The Secretary of State may deny a task at whatever point.

Any denial will deliver results on the date decided in the repudiation or upon creation in the Federal Register if no practical date is shown. The repudiation of a task won't impact any action or proceeding with reliant on lead submitted going before the convincing date of such disavowal.

Pioneers : Masood Azhar

Dates of activity : 2000–present

Central station : Bahawalpur

Belief system :Islamic fundamentalism

Rivals : India

Have other universal governments' assigned this gathering by any stretch of the imagination? Provided that this is true, in what year was this gathering assigned? :

Harakat ul-Jihad-I-Islami/Bangladesh (HUJI-B): aim(s): present an Islamic state in Bangladesh

area(s) of movement: headquartered in Bangladesh and generally unique in the southeast; keeps up an arrangement of madrassas in Bangladesh; has gets together with al-Qa'ida and Pakistan-based fear social affairs supporting near targets, including Harakat-ul Jihad Islami (HUJI) and Lashkar e-Tayibba (LeT) (2019)

Islamic State of Iraq and garbage Sham (ISIS) sorts out in Bangladesh: aim(s): displace the Bangladesh Government with an Islamic state and realize ISIS's extreme interpretation of Sharia; ISIS works in Bangladesh under the name Islamic State in Bangladesh (ISB)

area(s) of action: works essentially in Dhaka

note: targets pariahs, remote guide workers, school instructors, understudies, and regular bloggers for death; focus ISIS implies its Bangladesh branch as Bengal (2019)

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