
In: Operations Management

to create an effective and efficient terrorist group profile, you must be sure to include the...

to create an effective and efficient terrorist group profile, you must be sure to include the following information:

  • Aliases
  • Bases of Operation
  • Date Formed
  • Strength/Number of members
  • Organizational Structure
  • Classification (i.e. Religious, Nationalist, etc.)
  • Is there a leader?
    • Provide a photo of the group leader
    • Group Leader Demographics (i.e. DOB, Place of Birth, Citizenship Height, Weight, Eyes, Languages, etc.)
    • Is there a reward for the capture of the group leader? If so, how much is the reward?
  • Financial Sources
  • Founding Philosophy
  • Brief History of the Terrorist Group
  • Current Short Term & Long Term Goals
  • Current Model and Trend of Terrorism (i.e. Rural, Urban, Insurgent)
    • Note: These three models represent general trends from 1945-Present. Since terrorism is dynamic, the models are generalizations. They illustrate shifts in strategy and specific tactics of terrorism. These models help to explain the evolution and practice of contemporary and modern terrorism.
    • How are law enforcement entities and government agencies using this information to track and catch these networks using counter-terrorist operational tactics?
  • Methods or Tactics of Attack
  • If applicable: Related Groups
  • Has the United States designated this group as a foreign or terrorist organization? If so, in what year was this group designated?
  • Have other international governments’ designated this group at all? If so, in what year was this group designated?


Expert Solution

Distinguishing proof

The Bureau of Counterterrorism in the State Department (CT) persistently screens the exercises of psychological oppressor bunches dynamic around the globe to distinguish potential focuses for assignment. While inspecting potential targets, CT looks not just at the genuine psychological oppressor assaults that a gathering has completed, yet additionally at whether the gathering has occupied with arranging and arrangements for conceivable future demonstrations of fear mongering or holds the ability and goal to do such acts.


When an objective is distinguished, CT readies a point by point "managerial record," which is an aggregation of data, normally including both ordered and open sources data, exhibiting that the legal measures for assignment have been fulfilled. On the off chance that the Secretary of State, in discussion with the Attorney General and the Secretary of the Treasury, chooses to make the assignment, Congress is informed of the Secretary's expectation to assign the association and given seven days to survey the assignment, as the INA requires. Upon the lapse of the seven-day holding up period and without Congressional activity to obstruct the assignment, notice of the assignment is distributed in the Federal Register, so, all things considered the assignment produces results. By law an association assigned as a FTO may look for legal audit of the assignment in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit not later than 30 days after the assignment is distributed in the Federal Register.

Up to this point the INA gave that FTOs must be redesignated at regular intervals or the assignment would pass. Under the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA), be that as it may, the redesignation prerequisite was supplanted by certain audit and denial methods. IRTPA gives that a FTO may document a request for repudiation 2 years after its assignment date (or on account of redesignated FTOs, its latest redesignation date) or 2 years after the assurance date on its latest appeal for renouncement. So as to give a premise to renouncement, the requesting of FTO must give proof that the conditions shaping the reason for the assignment are adequately extraordinary as to warrant repudiation. In the event that no such audit has been led during a multi year time span as for an assignment, at that point the Secretary of State is required to survey the assignment to decide if renouncement would be fitting. Also, the Secretary of State may whenever renounce an assignment upon a finding that the conditions framing the reason for the assignment have changed in such a way as to warrant repudiation, or that the national security of the United States warrants a denial. The equivalent procedural necessities apply to renouncements made by the Secretary of State as apply to assignments. An assignment might be renounced by an Act of Congress, or put aside by a Court request.

Lawful Criteria for Designation under Section 219 of the INA as changed

It must be a remote association.

The association must take part in psychological militant action, as characterized in area or fear based oppression, as characterized in area of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1988 and or hold the capacity and purpose to take part in psychological militant action or fear mongering.

The association's psychological oppressor movement or fear based oppression must compromise the security of U.S. nationals or the national security (national guard, remote relations, or the financial interests) of the United States.

Lawful Ramifications of Designation

It is unlawful for an individual in the United States or subject to the locale of the United States to purposely give "material help or assets" to an assigned FTO. (The expression "material help or assets" is characterized in as " any property, substantial or elusive, or administration, including money or fiscal instruments or monetary protections, budgetary administrations, dwelling, preparing, master exhortation or help, safehouses, bogus documentation or distinguishing proof, interchanges hardware, offices, weapons, deadly substances, explosives, staff (at least 1 people who perhaps or incorporate oneself), and transportation, with the exception of medication or strict gives that to these reasons "the term 'preparing' signifies guidance or instructing intended to give a particular expertise, rather than general information.; further gives that to these reasons the term 'master counsel or help' signifies exhortation or help got from logical, specialized or other specific information.''

Delegates and individuals from an assigned FTO, in the event that they are outsiders, are prohibited to and, in specific conditions, removable from the United States

Any U.S. money related organization that becomes mindful that it has ownership of or authority over assets in which an assigned FTO or its operator has a premium must hold ownership of or power over the assets and report the assets to the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Division of the Treasury.

Different Effects of Designation

Supports our endeavors to check psychological warfare financing and to urge different countries to do likewise.

Derides and confines assigned psychological oppressor associations universally.

Prevents gifts or commitments to and financial exchanges with named associations.

Increases open mindfulness and information on psychological oppressor associations.

Signs to different governments our anxiety about named associations.

Renouncements of Foreign Terrorist Organizations

The Immigration and Nationality Act sets out three potential reason for renouncing a Foreign Terrorist Organization assignment:

The Secretary of State must renounce an assignment if the Secretary finds that the conditions that were the premise of the assignment have changed in such a way as to warrant a repudiation;

The Secretary of State must disavow an assignment if the Secretary finds that the national security of the United States warrants a renouncement;

The Secretary of State may disavow an assignment whenever.

Any disavowal will produce results on the date determined in the renouncement or upon production in the Federal Register if no viable date is indicated. The disavowal of an assignment will not influence any activity or continuing dependent on lead submitted preceding the compelling date of such denial.

Leaders : Masood Azhar
Dates of operation : 2000–present
Headquarters : Bahawalpur
Ideology :Islamic fundamentalism
Opponents : India

Have other international governments’ designated this group at all? If so, in what year was this group designated? :

Harakat ul-Jihad-I-Islami/Bangladesh (HUJI-B): aim(s): introduce an Islamic state in Bangladesh

area(s) of activity: headquartered in Bangladesh and for the most part dynamic in the southeast; keeps up a system of madrassas in Bangladesh; has joins with al-Qa'ida and Pakistan-based dread gatherings supporting comparative targets, including Harakat-ul Jihad Islami (HUJI) and Lashkar e-Tayibba (LeT) (2019)

Islamic State of Iraq and debris Sham (ISIS) organizes in Bangladesh: aim(s): supplant the Bangladesh Government with an Islamic state and actualize ISIS's severe translation of Sharia; ISIS works in Bangladesh under the name Islamic State in Bangladesh (ISB)

area(s) of activity: works basically in Dhaka

note: targets outsiders, remote guide laborers, college teachers, understudies, and common bloggers for death; center ISIS alludes to its Bangladesh branch as Bengal (2019)

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