
In: Finance

1-20 years Average hourly power output per turbine                                 0.31 MWh

1-20 years

Average hourly power output per turbine



Operational days per year



Capital expenditure per turbine






Turbines will be dismantled at end of 20 years if not overhauling.

Salvage per turbine



Market value at end of 20 years.

Expected price per MWh of power in first year



Price per MWh is then expected to increase at inflation.

Expected price per MWh of renewable energy certificate in first year



For each MWh generated by the wind turbines, SAI will be issued with a renewable energy certificate which it can sell to electricity retailers who have sold renewable energy to customers. Price of certificates is then expected to increase at inflation.

Expected operating expenses per turbine in first year



Annual operating expenses then expected to increase by inflation.

Depreciation method

Straight Line

Working capital



Given service agreements, there is no working capital requirement

Inflation Rate (p.a.)


Tax Rate


Tax payment occurs at the same year as income

Discount Rate


Additional Information to extend life to 40 years

Overhaul cost at end of 20th year per turbine



Life of overhaul






Depreciation method of overhaul cost

Straight Line

Overhaul expense is capitalised and then depreciated over extended life.

Treatment of existing capital expenditure (e.g. original outlay)



Remaining book value of original capital expenditure written down to zero in year 20.

Calculate the free cash flows for the extended life of 40 years


Expert Solution

Inflation 2.60% Interest Rate 30% Price of MWH 80+70 150
Discount rate 10% Annual production 0.31*24*363 MWH 2700.72
Year Cash outflow Revenue Operation cost Depreciation Cash before Tax Tax Cash after Tax Add back Depreciation Net free cash flow from operation
0 -$30,00,000.00 -$30,00,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$30,00,000.00
1 $4,05,108.00 -$1,00,000.00 -$1,40,000.00 $1,65,108.00 -$49,532.40 $1,15,575.60 $1,40,000.00 $2,55,575.60
2 $4,15,640.81 -$1,02,600.00 -$1,40,000.00 $1,73,040.81 -$51,912.24 $1,21,128.57 $1,40,000.00 $2,61,128.57
3 $4,26,447.47 -$1,05,267.60 -$1,40,000.00 $1,81,179.87 -$54,353.96 $1,26,825.91 $1,40,000.00 $2,66,825.91
4 $4,37,535.10 -$1,08,004.56 -$1,40,000.00 $1,89,530.55 -$56,859.16 $1,32,671.38 $1,40,000.00 $2,72,671.38
5 $4,48,911.02 -$1,10,812.68 -$1,40,000.00 $1,98,098.34 -$59,429.50 $1,38,668.84 $1,40,000.00 $2,78,668.84
6 $4,60,582.70 -$1,13,693.81 -$1,40,000.00 $2,06,888.90 -$62,066.67 $1,44,822.23 $1,40,000.00 $2,84,822.23
7 $4,72,557.85 -$1,16,649.84 -$1,40,000.00 $2,15,908.01 -$64,772.40 $1,51,135.61 $1,40,000.00 $2,91,135.61
8 $4,84,844.36 -$1,19,682.74 -$1,40,000.00 $2,25,161.62 -$67,548.48 $1,57,613.13 $1,40,000.00 $2,97,613.13
9 $4,97,450.31 -$1,22,794.49 -$1,40,000.00 $2,34,655.82 -$70,396.75 $1,64,259.07 $1,40,000.00 $3,04,259.07
10 $5,10,384.02 -$1,25,987.15 -$1,40,000.00 $2,44,396.87 -$73,319.06 $1,71,077.81 $1,40,000.00 $3,11,077.81
11 $5,23,654.00 -$1,29,262.81 -$1,40,000.00 $2,54,391.19 -$76,317.36 $1,78,073.83 $1,40,000.00 $3,18,073.83
12 $5,37,269.01 -$1,32,623.65 -$1,40,000.00 $2,64,645.36 -$79,393.61 $1,85,251.75 $1,40,000.00 $3,25,251.75
13 $5,51,238.00 -$1,36,071.86 -$1,40,000.00 $2,75,166.14 -$82,549.84 $1,92,616.30 $1,40,000.00 $3,32,616.30
14 $5,65,570.19 -$1,39,609.73 -$1,40,000.00 $2,85,960.46 -$85,788.14 $2,00,172.32 $1,40,000.00 $3,40,172.32
15 $5,80,275.01 -$1,43,239.58 -$1,40,000.00 $2,97,035.43 -$89,110.63 $2,07,924.80 $1,40,000.00 $3,47,924.80
16 $5,95,362.16 -$1,46,963.81 -$1,40,000.00 $3,08,398.35 -$92,519.51 $2,15,878.85 $1,40,000.00 $3,55,878.85
17 $6,10,841.58 -$1,50,784.87 -$1,40,000.00 $3,20,056.71 -$96,017.01 $2,24,039.70 $1,40,000.00 $3,64,039.70
18 $6,26,723.46 -$1,54,705.28 -$1,40,000.00 $3,32,018.18 -$99,605.45 $2,32,412.73 $1,40,000.00 $3,72,412.73
19 $6,43,018.27 -$1,58,727.62 -$1,40,000.00 $3,44,290.66 -$1,03,287.20 $2,41,003.46 $1,40,000.00 $3,81,003.46
20 -$15,00,000.00 $6,59,736.75 -$1,62,854.53 -$1,40,000.00 -$11,43,117.79 $3,42,935.34 -$8,00,182.45 $1,40,000.00 -$6,60,182.45
21 $6,76,889.90 -$1,67,088.75 -$85,000.00 $4,24,801.15 -$1,27,440.34 $2,97,360.80 $85,000.00 $3,82,360.80
22 $6,94,489.04 -$1,71,433.06 -$85,000.00 $4,38,055.98 -$1,31,416.79 $3,06,639.19 $85,000.00 $3,91,639.19
23 $7,12,545.75 -$1,75,890.32 -$85,000.00 $4,51,655.44 -$1,35,496.63 $3,16,158.80 $85,000.00 $4,01,158.80
24 $7,31,071.94 -$1,80,463.47 -$85,000.00 $4,65,608.48 -$1,39,682.54 $3,25,925.93 $85,000.00 $4,10,925.93
25 $7,50,079.81 -$1,85,155.52 -$85,000.00 $4,79,924.30 -$1,43,977.29 $3,35,947.01 $85,000.00 $4,20,947.01
26 $7,69,581.89 -$1,89,969.56 -$85,000.00 $4,94,612.33 -$1,48,383.70 $3,46,228.63 $85,000.00 $4,31,228.63
27 $7,89,591.02 -$1,94,908.77 -$85,000.00 $5,09,682.25 -$1,52,904.67 $3,56,777.57 $85,000.00 $4,41,777.57
28 $8,10,120.39 -$1,99,976.40 -$85,000.00 $5,25,143.99 -$1,57,543.20 $3,67,600.79 $85,000.00 $4,52,600.79
29 $8,31,183.52 -$2,05,175.78 -$85,000.00 $5,41,007.73 -$1,62,302.32 $3,78,705.41 $85,000.00 $4,63,705.41
30 $8,52,794.29 -$2,10,510.35 -$85,000.00 $5,57,283.93 -$1,67,185.18 $3,90,098.75 $85,000.00 $4,75,098.75
31 $8,74,966.94 -$2,15,983.62 -$85,000.00 $5,73,983.31 -$1,72,194.99 $4,01,788.32 $85,000.00 $4,86,788.32
32 $8,97,716.08 -$2,21,599.20 -$85,000.00 $5,91,116.88 -$1,77,335.06 $4,13,781.82 $85,000.00 $4,98,781.82
33 $9,21,056.70 -$2,27,360.78 -$85,000.00 $6,08,695.92 -$1,82,608.78 $4,26,087.14 $85,000.00 $5,11,087.14
34 $9,45,004.17 -$2,33,272.16 -$85,000.00 $6,26,732.01 -$1,88,019.60 $4,38,712.41 $85,000.00 $5,23,712.41
35 $9,69,574.28 -$2,39,337.23 -$85,000.00 $6,45,237.05 -$1,93,571.11 $4,51,665.93 $85,000.00 $5,36,665.93
36 $9,94,783.21 -$2,45,560.00 -$85,000.00 $6,64,223.21 -$1,99,266.96 $4,64,956.25 $85,000.00 $5,49,956.25
37 $10,20,647.57 -$2,51,944.56 -$85,000.00 $6,83,703.01 -$2,05,110.90 $4,78,592.11 $85,000.00 $5,63,592.11
38 $10,47,184.41 -$2,58,495.12 -$85,000.00 $7,03,689.29 -$2,11,106.79 $4,92,582.50 $85,000.00 $5,77,582.50
39 $10,74,411.21 -$2,65,215.99 -$85,000.00 $7,24,195.21 -$2,17,258.56 $5,06,936.65 $85,000.00 $5,91,936.65
40 $11,02,345.90 -$2,72,111.61 -$85,000.00 $7,45,234.29 -$2,23,570.29 $5,21,664.00 $85,000.00 $6,06,664.00

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