
In: Accounting

Exercise 9-5 Departmental expense allocations LO P2 Woh Che Co. has four departments: materials, personnel, manufacturing,...

Exercise 9-5 Departmental expense allocations LO P2

Woh Che Co. has four departments: materials, personnel, manufacturing, and packaging. In a recent month, the four departments incurred three shared indirect expenses. The amounts of these indirect expenses and the bases used to allocate them follow.

Indirect Expense Cost Allocation Base
Supervision $ 84,200 Number of employees
Utilities 67,000 Square feet occupied
Insurance 31,000 Value of assets in use
Total $ 182,200

Departmental data for the company’s recent reporting period follow.

Department Employees Square Feet Asset Values
Materials 34 41,250 $ 11,550
Personnel 17 8,250 3,080
Manufacturing 68 90,750 46,200
Packaging 51 24,750 16,170
Total 170 165,000 $ 77,000

1. Use this information to allocate each of the three indirect expenses across the four departments.
2. Prepare a summary table that reports the indirect expenses assigned to each of the four departments.

Use this information to allocate each of the three indirect expenses across the four departments.

Supervision expenses Allocation Base Percent of Allocation Base Cost to be Allocated Allocated Cost
Department Numerator Denominator % of Total
Utilities Allocation Base Percent of Allocation Base Cost to be Allocated Allocated Cost
Department Numerator Denominator % of Total
Insurance Allocation Base Percent of Allocation Base Cost to be Allocated Allocated Cost
Department Numerator Denominator % of Total

Prepare a summary table that reports the indirect expenses assigned to each of the four departments.

Supervision Utilities Insurance Total


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Supervision expenses Allocation Base Percent of Allocation Base Cost to be allocated Allocated Cost
Department Number of employees Numerator Denominator % of Total
Materials 34 34 170 20% 84200 16840
Personnel 17 17 170 10% 84200 8420
Manufacturing 68 68 170 40% 84200 33680
Packaging 51 51 170 30% 84200 25260
Totals 170 100% 84200
Utilities Allocation Base Percent of Allocation Base Cost to be allocated Allocated Cost
Department Square feet occupied Numerator Denominator % of Total
Materials 41250 41250 165000 25% 67000 16750
Personnel 8250 8250 165000 5% 67000 3350
Manufacturing 90750 90750 165000 55% 67000 36850
Packaging 24750 24750 165000 15% 67000 10050
Totals 165000 100% 67000
Insurance Allocation Base Percent of Allocation Base Cost to be allocated Allocated Cost
Department Value of assets in use Numerator Denominator % of Total
Materials 11550 11550 77000 15% 31000 4650
Personnel 3080 3080 77000 4% 31000 1240
Manufacturing 46200 46200 77000 60% 31000 18600
Packaging 16170 16170 77000 21% 31000 6510
Totals 77000 100% 31000
Supervision Utilities Insurance Total
Materials 16840 16750 4650 38240
Personnel 8420 3350 1240 13010
Manufacturing 33680 36850 18600 89130
Packaging 25260 10050 6510 41820
Totals 84200 67000 31000 182200

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