
In: Computer Science

Write an algorithm (flowchart) for the following problems: Take ten different numbers as input and display...

Write an algorithm (flowchart) for the following problems:
Take ten different numbers as input and display the sum of there squares (SS).
Example: let the inputs are: 3, 0, -1, 0, 9, -5, 6, 0, 2, 1 then 157 is displayed, because: SS=32+02+(-1)2+02+92+(-5)2+62+02+22+12=157


Expert Solution

Answer : Algorithm

Step 1:Take 2 integers i, and sum. i for loop counter variable and sum for storing the sum of squares of all 10 integers.initially initialize the sum to 0

Step 2: Take input of 10 numbers and store them in an array a[10];

Step 3: For each elements in array perform following:

sum=sum+ a[i]*a[i];// where a[i] is the ith element in the array

Step 4: Print the value of sum as the sum of squares of 10 entered integers.

A C program for the above algorithm is:




    int n,i,sum, a[10];



{ scanf(%d,&a[i]);







    printf("Sum of squares of numbers from 1 to n is :%d ",sum);


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