
In: Biology

NO PLAGIARISM In your own words, discuss what the 5 important characteristics of populations are, how...


In your own words, discuss what the 5 important characteristics of populations are, how they are measured or determined, and what factors may cause them to change over time. Feel free to choose any organism you want to consider how these population distribution characteristics can change over time (but do not choose an example we have discussed in class or mentioned in our exology textbook).


Expert Solution

1 ans - 5 important characterisitcs of pouplations are as follows -

Type of organism varies in size ,shape ,species, population density and so on. Population comprises of different species,which include population of organism living in group of same species in same or different area.Population growth depends on survival of fittest as well as natural selection and most important evolution.
Population size - Number of individuals present in a size in a group or individual. for ex- Population of reptile which consits of more than 150 indivual reptiles ore many more.
Population density - Number of individual present in population per unit area or even volume.
Pattern distribution - Individual population can be distributed by various pattern such as clumped , random and unform.
Population Structure - SIze of population largerly depends on the age-sex structure.
Population pyramids - Population pyramids are used for analysing age - sex structure
Survivourship curve- invloves type 1,2 and 3
type1 -parents have few offspring and taking care for them.
type2 - parentshaving moderate number of offspring and some care.
type3 -parents having more than one offspring with less care .

Poulation can be measured by exponential growth rate - By plotting a graph under ideal conditions of species at exponential growth rate i.e number of individuals vs time. which can determines the size of poulation as it increases and its growth rate also increases.
Logistic growth - Most of population not live in normal conditions hence they do not grow exponentially.Growth depends on various factors becasue of which population growth is slow and the size.
K selected - Population is completely controlled by density dependent factors which allow species to grow in stable enivornemnt.

r- selected species -Population cannot live in stable environment due to rapid environmental growth.

Factors which will cause changes in population such as competition for important resources which include food,water, oyxgen etc.Predation,dieases , parasitism and nautral diaster.

Population distribution characteristics can change over time for Rhinos-

Rhinos who use to roam freely in asia ,africa and europe now are protected by law,ranger and sanctuaries.More than half a million rhinos used to roam freely now tofday hardly 29000 rhinos are alive and are stuggling for survival from poachers.
Factor which are affecting rhinos population distribution are as follows -

a) Poaching - Rhino horn are valuable source for earning money for poachers.Due to consumer demand ,poacher are hunting for rhinos horn and are suppling them to illegal markets in China and Vietnam.In 2015 poaching reached to highest ever level where at least 1300 rhinos were slaughter in africa followed by 91 in south africa in 2017.Various anti poaching law are implimented for protection of rhino under wildlife act.

b) Wildlife trade - Illegal wildlife trade will result in change of popilation of rhinos in upcoming years if law are not implemented.One of such law is Covention on international trade in endangered species of fauna and flora(CITIES) had ban the illegal wildelife trade of rhinos.A deal has been made between government and global agreement for protection of rhino by monitoring , banning international trade and anitpoaching law.

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