
In: Computer Science

Please finish this code and make it work. This is my homework and my professor wont...

Please finish this code and make it work. This is my homework and my professor wont allow me to change the code in main, it's a set of huge numbers need to sort by radixsort with bit operation.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void radixLSD_help(int *items, int length, int bit)



// – Count number of items for each bucket.


// – Figure out where each bucket should be stored (positions

// of the first and last element of the bucket in the scratch

// array).

// – Copy each item to the corresponding bucket (in the scratch

// array).

// – Copy the scratch array back into items.


void radixLSD(int *items, int length)


int bit_per_item = sizeof(int) * 8;


int bit;


for (bit = 0; bit < bit_per_item; bit++)


radixLSD_help(items, length, bit);

cout << "Done with bit " << bit;



void sort(int *A,int n)


radixLSD(A, n);


void sort( int *A, int n);

int main()


int i, offset, j;

int B[10000000];

time_t t;

srand( (unsigned) time( &t ));

offset = rand()%10000000;

for( i = 0; i< 10000000; i++ )


B[i] = ((91*i)%10000000) + offset;


printf("Prepared array of 10 million integers; calling sort\n");

sort( B[], 10000000 );

printf("finished sort, now check result\n");

for( i=0, j=0; i < 10000000; i++ )

if( B[i] != i+ offset ) j++;

if( j == 0 )

printf("Passed Test\n");


printf("Failed Test. %d numbers wrong.\n", j );



Expert Solution

Updated and working code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void radixLSD_help(int *items, int length, int bit)



// – Count number of items for each bucket.


// – Figure out where each bucket should be stored (positions

// of the first and last element of the bucket in the scratch

// array).

// – Copy each item to the corresponding bucket (in the scratch

// array).

// – Copy the scratch array back into items.


void radixLSD(int *items, int length)


int bit_per_item = sizeof(int) * 8;


int bit;


for (bit = 0; bit < bit_per_item; bit++)


radixLSD_help(items, length, bit);

cout << "Done with bit \n" << bit;



void sort(int *A,int n)


radixLSD(A, n);


void sort( int *A, int n);

int main()


int i, offset, j;

int B[10000000];

time_t t;

srand( (unsigned) time( &t ));

offset = rand()%10000000;

for( i = 0; i< 10000000; i++ )


B[i] = ((91*i)%10000000) + offset;


printf("Prepared array of 10 million integers; calling sort\n");

sort( B, 10000000 );

printf("finished sort, now check result\n");

for( i=0, j=0; i < 10000000; i++ )

if( B[i] != i+ offset ) j++;

if( j == 0 )

printf("Passed Test\n");


printf("Failed Test. %d numbers wrong.\n", j );


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