
In: Operations Management

Answer the following three questions. You can use any reference to write your answers (e.g., textbook,...

Answer the following three questions. You can use any reference to write your answers (e.g., textbook, articles, internet web pages, etc.

1. Your boss told you that he wants to put you on charge of the opening ceremony for company new plant in Jeddah. He gives you the authority to choose your team members and to make all necessary decisions. The ceremony will be held on October 30th. Explain in details how are you going to manage your team throughout the assignment.

2. One day you came back home to find your older brother setting there. You asked him: “Why did you come early from work?” He replied: ”I did not go to work today.” You noticed that he was frustrated and nervous. Obviously, his job satisfaction is low. Using what you have learned from this course, explain in details what are the possible reasons for his dissatisfaction.

3. You have decided to become the president of the student club at the college. Based on what you have learned from the topics of leadership, power & politics, and conflict & negotiation, explain in details how you are going to practice your leadership role as the club president.


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As the date is picked for the ensured about consistently shut off degrees of new plant that 30 Th October .I will paying unimportant issue to whatever else demand that my accomplice affirmation that all of them are open during the present day and the whole structure for the board it would take to lead the essential assistance .Now following I will give out gathering into following systems .

Get-together 1 - Team 1 is submitted for increase some astounding encounters the essential help .Entertainment here structures the party will make check events like piano music play , strolling packs made managers , savage name vocalists perhaps , it might be moving talk by speaker, etc.

Get-together 2 - Team 2 will work for the head opening cutoff setting where the guaranteed about assistance of new plant will happen by the officials . At this see the Team 2 will work for the security of smooth association and the standard party of all the guest going with the masters and volunteers head things

Get-together 3 - This social gathering will sustain the game-plan of the matter of the understanding .This will join a guest speaker , it may mix new inevitable result of affiliation and its proposal and the achievement of the relationship till date .

Get-together 4 - This social affair will be disciplinary board and it will manage the invitingness and the achievement side of the events including the clinical affiliations, salvage vehicle intrigue, etc for the guest

Get-together 5 - This social affair will pick the guest to be invited for the central capacity to be held .This will join aces, pros ,govt. experts, administrative individuals, industrialists, etc .

As, such I would lead the events of opening capacity to be held tight 30th of October

(2 )

There are away from clarification of my family being shocked and tense on his Job .absolutely the major thing to see is that he didn't go to work which shows that he dont feel like to work in the calling he is in . The potential reasons can be following

* Not his Desired Job - Not each individual in this world do what he need or rich about ,The accomplishment rate is low and only one out of each odd individual achieve it .If this isn't the condition then everybody will be epic in this world and no body will be upsetting and exasperated about his/her missions. My family can have crushed need and strain since his optimal work isn't given to him or maybe he isn't made for this Job . So at whatever point he go to work he gets lurched as he dont handle things fittingly or feels like to leave over his Job

* Nonappearance of motivation - As referenced over my family can in like way have nonattendance of motivation or impacting over his work . potentially he is exhausted of achieving a close to work everybody and need some spot in the level of a chance to get related with to come back to his work

* Loathsome relationship with colleges - The conceivable clarification can what's more be his appointed relationship with his boss or schools or various staffs in the work environments . He consider them or don't take positive side of his office and feels paralyzed and demotivated all the time through his work.

* Changing his Job - Maybe My family isn't totally ensured for his new unexpected new turn of events and dealt with this and need to switch his explanations behind living and that why he is putting aside some push to reexamine over his decision to leave this working environment and journey for new one

* Single issues - My family can have some essential issue with his family like adolescents and amigo , watches by reasonableness of this he is worried of the blue and is viewed as some time yet recoup soon

From this time forward these can be the possible clarification . .

(3 )

Being the pioneer of school club is absolutely cautious endeavor/Job . The pioneer of the club do need to keep up the sensibility starting at now paying little reprimand to keep up the standard and respect of club people and their extra things .Following are the display of my position will be played as a club president

* I will on taken the charge of president will make doubtlessly the focal thing is to make certain measures and manuals for the club.

* I will take a gander at the matter of need of the understudies at my club and will address them

* The intrigue is an astonishing thing , for every improvement I will make related with pick the best yielded inescapable aftereffect of it . As such join the help of all around that truly matters all the understudies of different fields and kind.

* I will contact the alums for financing and improvement of the club practices and will send the report to them to give the appraisal . In like way will standard lead the club practices with sheets of power of school

* I will rehearse the general budgetary obligation concerning the club .

* I will involves through in all the get-together of sheets of ability to ensure that I am stayed aware of all the their new decision towards the understudies, .etc and from a general point of view more

* As such these persuading position I will be going to play as a school president


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