
In: Operations Management

Please choose any company You are to decide on an organization that you want to evaluate....

Please choose any company

You are to decide on an organization that you want to evaluate. It is important that you have some knowledge of the inner workings of the company-- its struggles, its strengths, its culture, and so forth -- or have access to the organization to conduct interviews to collect the needed information. You will produce a written report. The paper should include the following sections:

1. Organization Background - Provide just enough details on the company for me to be able to understand the problem that will be described. Resist the urge to provide irrelevant details and feel free to omit or disguise any details that might be sensitive in nature.

2. Organizational Culture – Provide a brief description of the elements of the company’s culture in terms of artifacts, shared values, and shared assumptions.

3. Problem - Describe, specifically, number of problems that the company is struggling with that will serve as the focus of the paper. Resist the urge to discuss multiple problems (focus on one specific issue with which the organization is struggling). Be sure to focus on a problem that within the scope of this course.

4. Theoretical Lens - Choose one topic from the list below, and apply that topic to the problem. Describe very specifically how the concepts, principles, and findings represented in the topic matter to the problem, and how they can be leveraged to articulate a solution.

• Globalization

• Diversity

• Ethics

• Design and Culture

• Reward System

• Work Motivation Model

• influences

• Model of Emotions, Attitudes, and Behavior

• Decision making procedure

5. Recommendation – Provide a list (at least three) of very specific recommendations/action steps that flow out of the discussion of the topic and that can help solve the problem. In thinking about how to craft the topic into those recommendations, strike a balance between being practical and being bold. Every organization has key constraints (culture, organizational stakeholders, and competitive environment) that need to be taken into account when designing interventions. Although those should be considered, resist the urge to “play it safe”, as that tendency often leads to modest interventions that are ultimately ineffective.


Expert Solution

Name of Organisation- Udaan (Running in India)
1. Organization Background

Service provided by udaan: Udaan is a B2B trade platform that brings manufacturers, traders, retailers, and wholesalers into a single platform. The platform is about making business easy in India, about making B2B commerce convenient and efficient. They believe B2B is the new B2C in India.
The company, which is often referred to as India’s fastest unicorn, connects manufacturers and wholesalers with retailers online, and has achieved over $1 billion in valuation in 26 months.

2. Organizational Culture-
Some of the staements given by the founders- At the end of the day, when we are discussing a problem and want to take a decision, just for the sake of argument, we can keep defending it. It is very visible when we do that. And we are mature enough to understand these things. So, focusing on what we have to decide rather than bringing other elements to that discussion is very important to building trust

One more unique thing about Udaan is they have three CEOS
Core values

Customer Commitment :-
We develop relationships that make a positive difference in our customers' lives.

Quality :-
We provide outstanding and unsurpassed quality service to our customers.

Integrity :-
We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all of our actions.

Teamwork :-
We work together to meet the needs of our customers and to help the company win.

Respect for People :-
We value our people, encourage their development and reward their performance.

Personal Accountability :-
We are personally accountable for delivering on our commitments.

To be the most respected and preferred company for all stakeholders.

  • Business Partners.
  • Customers.
  • Team Members.
  • Community.

  • Passion for Customer Service.
  • Accountability for Actions.
  • Process Driven Environment.
  • Employee Friendly Atmosphere.
  • Trained Manpower.

3. Problem

With the fragmented and unorganised channel, payment reliability is one of the biggest problems in India. Typically, sellers have to keep working with their channel and keep collecting payment in small amounts over a period of time. Udaan solves the issue of delayed payments with its reliable on-time, and full payment system.

They say - Now, Udaan is trying to address these problems by coming onto the platform to make credit transparent. We create credit lines for our buyers based on their transaction and user behaviour on the platform. This enables us to create a credit product, which is based on economic data, and is transparent to both buyers and sellers. A lot of B2B businesses today are local, and so cash is still a big component. But over time, as B2C commerce goes online, then I’m sure there will be more business between buyers and sellers across different regions. And that’s when UPI mobile payment will become useful.

4. Theoretical Lens - Influence Model

5. Recommendations-
Since Udaan is fastest unicorn of India, it should motivate their employees that in very near future they could be holding significant shares whose value would increase and increase their own valuation as well. The exposure they get from here would not be any other company in industry currently. So learning graph is exponential.

2. Indians are considered to be Pro- Nationalist, the backbone of Indian Economy is considered SMEs. And Udaan supports SMEs in huge number. This could boost the economy of the nation as a whole.
Digitising the backbone could bring a new form of transformation in India. For they may be helped by Government of India as well. Which unlike USA plays too much equations in the local businesses.

3. Udaan should it's own Payment App- since it's main problem is Credit System, launching it's own payment portal would solve number of questions for it.

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