
In: Psychology

Type your work (not more than 2 pages long) in MS Word in either font Arial...

Type your work (not more than 2 pages long) in MS Word in either font Arial or Verdana size 12. Spacing 1.5.

1. It seems that every time you listen to a Talk Radio station you hear someone telling the world what’s wrong with the younger generation. Here are two examples of this common criticism:

“Our youth have an insatiable desire for wealth; they have bad manners and atrocious customs regarding dressing and their hair and what garments or shoes they wear”

“[They] love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority, show disrespect for elders, and love to chatter in place of exercise. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties from the table, cross their legs and tyrannize their teachers.”

Actually, it may surprise you to learn that neither of these quotes is contemporary. The first comes from Plato (4th century B.C), the second, Socrates (5th century B.C.).

Respond to the opinion expressed. You may address the whole issue or focus on one aspect, agree or disagree. Remember to stick to the topic


Expert Solution

Youth is always a target for everyone in the society and this very thing to tell ad criticize youth is not new in the society. it is going on from generations and centuries and always youth had to suffer. We are always criticized for no matter what we do or not do and the very reason for this can be because this is the age in which individual gain knowledge of self concept and starting experiencing the world on its own when they enter outside and form new pairs and develop new understandings. This leads to conflict since now an individual is no more dependent on the guarding or authority figure and they become rebellious when things goes too far and since they don’t have no choice but to disobey because they have form a new system. Also the very criticism also comes from the fact that things and norms of the society keeps on changing and in same way other things like the way of communication and what is an appropriate behaviour also change from time to time and youth is the first one to acquire that change because if they do not do so they have to bear the consequences of feeling lonely and different from other members of the society. On the other hand the older generation do not many times understand this thing and want the youth to follow the norms and continue the cycle of socialization in the same way they have learnt and this leads to conflict and criticism which youth has to listen to. For example the very generation is criticised for excess use of technology and cell phones but the ones who criticise this very generation forget that they are the one who in the first place invent and started using this thing and now nothing in the world is possible without the help of cell phones. We criticise youth that they always use the phones but instead parents are the one who on the first place give them the phones and think for a second if an individual wants to go out the first thing someone ask is have you taken your mobile or don’t forget your phone and now they forget they latter they will only criticise them for it. So with this example we see that youth is always criticised because they the target for change and also for criticism.

Our youth have an insatiable desire for wealth; they have bad manners and atrocious customs regarding dressing and their hair and what garments or shoes they wear”

They have desire for wealth and new fashion all the demands of time and without that person cannot survive no matter what era you are in because you have to also work according to how society is changing and if you don’t change you will have sense of loneliness and aloofness

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