
In: Computer Science

/*Design and code and test a class MaxMin that has the following properties * two integer...

/*Design and code and test a class MaxMin that has the following properties * two integer member variables, min and max where min is smaller or equal than max at all times * A default constructor that sets both min and max to 0 * A constructor that accepts one integer and sets both min and max to that integer * A constructor that accepts two integers and sets min the smallest and max the largest * * Setters and getters. * Setter for min: if you try to set min to more than max then min is set to the old max and max * is set to the new value: example min = 2 and max =10, if you invode .setMin(12), then * min is set to 10 and max is set to 12. * Same for setMax, if you try to set max to a value smaller than min, then max is set to old min * and min is set to the new value. * * toString() that returns min max as couple (2, 10) (min, max) * * method MinMax add(int a) that returns a MinMax object with min and max augmented by a * method MinMax add(MinMax b) that returns a MinMax object that is the sum of this and b * method MinMax add(int a, int b) that returns a MinMax object where min(a, b) is added to min and * max(a, b) is added to max of this. Example. M = new MinMax(2, 5); * T = M.add(4, 3), then T will be (5, 9) (2+3, 5+4). * -equals method boolean equals(MaxMin M) that returns true if M is equal to this false if not. * Test all methods. * */ public class MaxMin { private int min, max; // A default constructor that sets both min and max to 0 public MaxMin() { min = max = 0; } // A constructor that accepts one integer and sets both min and max to that integer public MaxMin(int a) { min = max = a; } // A constructor that accepts two integers and sets min the smallest and max the largest public MaxMin(int a, int b) { this.setMinMax(a, b); } //setter for both minmax public void setMinMax(int a, int b) { if(a < b) { min = a; max = b; }else { min = b; max = a; } } //getter public int getMin() { return min; } public int getMax() { return max; } //Setter for min: if you try to set min to more than max then min is set to the old max and max // * is set to the new value: example min = 2 and max =10, if you invode .setMin(12), then // * min is set to 10 and max is set to 12. public void setMin(int a) { //if a is larger than max, mnin has to be equal max and max to a /*Eitehr uyou di it this way * if(a > this.max) setMinMax(this.max, a); else setMinMax(a, this.max); */ //OR this way if(a > this.max) { this.min = this.max; this.max = a; }else this.min = a; } //* Same for setMax, if you try to set max to a value smaller than min, then max is set to old min // * and min is set to the new value. // * public void setMax(int a) { //if a is smaller than min, then set max to min and min to a /*Either you do it this way if(a < this.min) setMinMax(a, this.min); else setMinMax(this.min, a); */ //OR this way if(a < this.min) { this.max = this.min; this.min = a; }else this.max = a; } //toString public String toString() { return "(" + min + ", " + max + ")"; } //method MaxMin add(int a) that returns a MaxMin object with min and max augmented by a public MaxMin add(int a) { MaxMin res = new MaxMin(); res.setMinMax(this.min+a, this.max+a); return res; /*You can do it in one line. return new MaxMin(this.min+a, this.max+a); */ } //* method MaxMin add(MaxMin b) that returns a MinMax object that is the sum of this and b public MaxMin add(MaxMin b) { //this (2, 5) b (3, 7) =>> return object should be (5, 12) //how many objects am I going to be dealing with here? MaxMin res = new MaxMin(this.min+b.min, this.max + b.max); return res; } //* method MaxMin add(int a, int b) that returns a MinMax object where min(a, b) is added to min and public MaxMin add(int a, int b) { if (a > b) { MaxMin res = new MaxMin(this.min+b, this.max + a); return res; }else { MaxMin res = new MaxMin(this.min+a, this.max + b); return res; } } public boolean equals(MaxMin m) { if(this.min == m.min && this.max == m.max) return true; return false; } }

language Java and set to even and change accordingly. Thank you.


Expert Solution

I have added the below correct formatted code with the required changes. I have added the main method as well and tested the properties and functions in it. I have added the comments as well in the code explaining what each line of code is doing and what result is expected.

public class MaxMin {
  private int min,

  public void MaxMin() {
    min = 0;
    max = 0;

  public void MaxMin(int input1) {
    min = input1;
    max = input1;

  public void MaxMin(int input1, int input2) {
    if (input1 > input2) {
      min = input2;
      max = input1;
    else {
      min = input1;
      max = input2;

  public void setMin(int x) {
    if (x > max) {
      min = max;
      max = x;
    else {
      min = x;
  public int getMin() {
    return min;

  public void setMax(int x) {
    if (x < min) {
      max = min;
      min = x;
    else {
      max = x;

  public int getMax() {
    return max;

  public String toString() {
    return "(" + min + ", " + max + ")";

  public MaxMin add(int a) {
    MaxMin res = new MaxMin();
    res.MaxMin(this.min + a, this.max + a);
    return res;

  public MaxMin add(MaxMin b) {
    MaxMin res = new MaxMin();
    res.MaxMin(this.min + b.min, this.max + b.max);
    return res;

  public MaxMin add(int a, int b) {
    MaxMin res = new MaxMin();
    if (a > b) {
      res.MaxMin(this.min + b, this.max + a);
      return res;
    } else {
      res.MaxMin(this.min + a, this.max + b);
      return res;
  public boolean equals(MaxMin m) {
    if (this.min == m.min && this.max == m.max) return true;
    else return false;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    MaxMin test1 = new MaxMin(); // MaxMin Class first Instance
    MaxMin new1 = new MaxMin(); // MaxMin Class second Instance
    MaxMin new2 = new MaxMin(); // MaxMin Class third Instance

    new1.MaxMin(5, 20); // Initializing second instance with min=5 & max=20
    new2.MaxMin(20, 10); // Initializing third instance with min=20 & max=5
    test1.MaxMin(5); // Initializing first instance with setting min & max to 5
    System.out.println(test1.getMin()); // It should return 5
    System.out.println(test1.getMax()); // It should return 5

    test1.MaxMin(10, 15); // Setting min=10 & max=15
    System.out.println(test1.getMin()); // It should return 10
    System.out.println(test1.getMax()); // It should return 15

    test1.setMin(20); // Setting min=20. But, it is greater than max, hence min=15 and max=20
    System.out.println(test1.getMin()); // It should return 15
    System.out.println(test1.getMax()); // It should return 20

        test1.setMin(10); // Setting min=10
    System.out.println(test1.getMin()); // It should return 10
    System.out.println(test1.getMax()); // It should return 20 

    test1.setMax(5);  // Setting max=5. But, it is smaller than min, hence min=5 and max=10
    System.out.println(test1.getMin()); // It should return 5
    System.out.println(test1.getMax()); // It should return 10 

        test1.setMax(20); // Setting max=20
    System.out.println(test1.getMin()); // It should return 5
    System.out.println(test1.getMax()); // It should return 20 

    System.out.println(test1.toString()); // It should return  (5,20)

    System.out.println(test1.add(4));  // It should return (9,24) as we are adding 4 to the min & max

    /* It should return (5+5=10,20+20=40) as we are adding new1(5,20) to the test1(5,20) */
    System.out.println(test1.add(new1)); // It should return (45,70)

    /* It should return (5+10=15,20+20=40) as we are adding (10,20) to the test1(5,20)*/
    System.out.println(test1.add(10, 20)); // It should return (15,40)

    // If new1(5,20) is equal to test1(5,20), it will return true
    System.out.println(test1.equals(new1)); // It should return true

    // If new2(10,20) is equal to test1(5,20), it will return true; else false
    System.out.println(test1.equals(new2)); // It should return false


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