
In: Accounting

Chart of Entity Comparison Sole Proprietor Partnership C Corporation S Corporation LLC Legal Status Same entity...

Chart of Entity Comparison

Sole Proprietor Partnership C Corporation S Corporation LLC
Legal Status Same entity as owner Separate entity from owner Separate entity from owner Separate entity from owner Separate entity from owner
Tax Year Same as owner Majority interest rules; principal partner rules; or the least aggregate deferral of income rule; exceptions may be the business purpose of 444 election Calendar or fiscal year Calendar year; 444 election; or business purpose demonstrated Depends on tax status as sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation
Self-employment Tax Yes Yes if general partner, generally no if limited partner No, since payment for services is in the form of wages No, since payment for services is in the form of wages Depends on tax status as sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation
Charitable Contributions Generally 50% limitation Generally 50% limitation at partner level Generally 10% limitation Generally 50% limitation at shareholder level Depends on tax status as sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation
Management Owner May be divided among partners Board of Directors Board of Directors Per articles of organization
Number of Owners One Unlimited Unlimited 100 Depends on tax status as sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation


Choose four characteristics (Rows) and describe how two of the entity selections options differ (e.g. Basis Decrease from Operations in Sole Proprietor vs. C Corporation)


Expert Solution

Here we select the two entities are sole proprietor and partnership

The following are the differences between the sole proprietor and partnership

1. Sole proprietor has one owner but partnership and more than one owner

2. Soleproprietor has few capital resources and partnership ha more financial resources compared to soleproprietor.

3. Sole proprietor has unlimited liability and partnership has some limited liability compared to soleproprietor

4. Sole proprietor does not have seperate legal entity but partnership has seperate legal entity.

5. In sole proprietor all the management burden to be borne by the single person but un partnership the work of management can be divided among the partners.

6. Charitable contributions cam be give up to 50% for both the sole proprietor and partnership.

7. All the profits in the sole proprietor can be enjoyed by single person but in partnership the available profits to be distributed among the partners

8. There are some tax benefits to sole proprietor and that benefits cannot be available to the partnership.

These are all the points regarding the choosing between the two forms of bussiness.

I hope, all the above mentioned points and differences between the sole proprietor and partnership are useful and helpful to you.

Thank you.

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