
In: Computer Science

Create an ADT class that creates a friend contact list. The program should be able to...

Create an ADT class that creates a friend contact list. The program should be able to add, remove and view the contacts. In C++


Expert Solution

using namespace std;
//contact class
class contact
   //data members
   char name[30];//name
   char phone[30];//phone number  
   //add any details you want
   //pointer to next contact
   contact *next;
       cout<<"Enter name :";
       string n;
       getline(cin,n);//reading name
       int i=0;
       cout<<"Enter phone number: ";
       string p;
//friend contact list class
class contact_list
   contact *list;
   //method to add contact
   void Add()
       contact *n = new contact();
           n->next = list;
           list = n;  
   //method to remove contact
   void Remove()
       string nam;
       //reading name to remove
       cout<<"Enter name to remove :";
       char n[30];
       for(int i=0;nam[i]!='\0';i++)n[i]=nam[i];
       contact *temp = list;
       contact *prev= NULL;
           if(strcmp(n,temp->name)==0)//means name is found
           cout<<"Name not found in contact list\n";  
   //method to display all contacts
   void Display()
       contact *temp = list;
           cout<<"Name :"<<temp->name<<endl;
           cout<<"Phone number :"<<temp->phone<<endl;
int main()
   contact_list *list= new contact_list();;
   int c;
       cout<<"1:Add contact\n2:Remove contact\n3:View contacts\n4:Exit\nEnter :";
       {string cc;
       getline(cin,cc);//reading empty line
       else if(c==2)
       {string cc;
       getline(cin,cc);//reading empty line
       else if(c==3)
           string cc;
       else if(c==4)
   return 0;


1:Add contact
2:Remove contact
3:View contacts
Enter :1
Enter name :Surya
Enter phone number: 9887654322
1:Add contact
2:Remove contact
3:View contacts
Enter :3
Name :Surya
Phone number :9887654322

1:Add contact
2:Remove contact
3:View contacts
Enter :1
Enter name :phane
Enter phone number: 23456789
1:Add contact
2:Remove contact
3:View contacts
Enter :3
Name :phane
Phone number :23456789

Name :Surya
Phone number :9887654322

1:Add contact
2:Remove contact
3:View contacts
Enter :2
Enter name to remove :phane
1:Add contact
2:Remove contact
3:View contacts
Enter :3
Name :Surya
Phone number :9887654322

1:Add contact
2:Remove contact
3:View contacts
Enter :2
Enter name to remove :asdf
Name not found in contact list
1:Add contact
2:Remove contact
3:View contacts
Enter :3
Name :Surya
Phone number :9887654322

1:Add contact
2:Remove contact
3:View contacts
Enter :1
Enter name :Hello
Enter phone number: 123456789
1:Add contact
2:Remove contact
3:View contacts
Enter :3
Name :Hello
Phone number :123456789

Name :Surya
Phone number :9887654322

1:Add contact
2:Remove contact
3:View contacts
Enter :4

Process exited normally.
Press any key to continue . . .

//PLS give a thumbs up if you find this helpful, it helps me alot, thanks.

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