In: Other
Explain why global warming is problematic for modern day animals. Be specific and include examples of why Earth history reveals this to us. Please answer in few sentences.
Here, I would like to point out a study done by Sodhi and Koh in south east Asia which is one of the richest regions in terms of biodiversity. They found out that because of climate change, 42% of species in SE Asia can become extinct by 2100 because of deforestation alone and most of them are going to be corals, trees, birds, mammals and many butterflies. It was said that animals can adopt to climate very soon, but the current climate change is so rapid that even they are confused with respect to their timing for breeding, migration etc.
Recently I was seeing a documentary of Australian bush fire, lots of Kangaroos are coming out of wilds and they are half burnt and are living in shelters. this fire was also a result of climate change. Hence it is evident that global warming and climate change are problematic for modern animals as well.
In the history of earth, extinction has occurred in many times when these climate events were catastrophic. Example - the event of mass extinction during Palaeozoic period was due to climate change. Palaeocene and Eocene mass extinction was also due to increase in temperature. But at that time, earth had huge greenery to allow carbon sequestration and impacts were soon absorbed, but the current global warming due to anthropogenic activities is very fast and will affect the animals badly.
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