
In: Computer Science

i have attached my code here and we are supposed to create two classes. one is...

i have attached my code here and we are supposed to create two classes. one is date the other switches accounts for bank and then displays the bank account,type,name,date(pulled from first class and then prints out. i am having issues getting my code to pull from the first class and dont know how to make it read the data from date class if someone can look at my code and tell me how to fix this i would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#ifndef date_H
#define Date_H // dont know if need these two

class Date
   int month, day, year;

   //These are consturctors
   Date();// programmer defined default constructor without parameters
   Date(int, int, int);
   ~Date() {}// destroy the data put into this time for new one
   void setDay(int); // set the day(mutator) not returning anything
   void setMonth(int);// set the month(mutator)not returning anything
   void setYear(int);// set the year(mutator)not returning anything
   void DisplDate();// displays the date which passed to class 2 Accounts
#endif// or this

Date::Date()// initialize the default constructor holding no parameters
   //Initialize variables.
   month = day = year = 0;// default values all set to 0
}//not returning anything
Date::Date(int Month, int Day, int Year)// default constructor hold 3 ints
   month = Month;
   day = Day;
   year = Year;
}//not returning anything
void Date::setDay(int d)
   cout<< "enter the day of your last payment"<< endl;
   cin >> day;

}//not returning anything
void Date::setMonth(int m)// need this between 1 and 12 for months
   cout << " enter the month of your last payment" << endl;
   cin >> month;
}//not returning anything
void Date::setYear(int y)
   cout << "enter a year number" << endl;
   cin >> year;
void Date::DisplDate()// display out the month day and year
   cout << month << " /" << day << " /" << year << endl;
}//not returning anything but holds the valid input data

class Account: private Date // calling the private date values relationship
       int ActNum;// account number is integers i.e (1234567890)
       char ACCT_TYPE, Name[20];// checking, savings and user name
       Date defaultdate;
       //object of class date
       float ActBal;// must be float dealing with decimals
public://default parameterized constructor
   Account(int AccountNum, string Name, char ActType, float balance, Date day, Date month, Date year)
       ActNum = AccountNum;
       string ActName = Name;
       char ACCT_Type = ActType;
       float ActBal =balance; = 0;
       defaultdate.month = 00;
       defaultdate.year = 0000;// how to call this from first
   void AccountData();   // idk if date goes in here
   void Accountdeposit();
   void Accountwithdrawl();
   void Accounttransfer();
   void Accountdisplay();
   //~Account() {};

void Account::AccountData(void)
   cout << "\nEnter account number : ";
   cin >> ActNum;
   cout << "\nEnter account type (c/s) : ";
   cin >> ACCT_TYPE;
   cout << "\nEnter name : ";
   cin >> Name;
   cout << "\nEnter balance : ";
   cin >> ActBal;
   cout << "\nEnter date of last transaction : ";
   cout << "\n Day : ";
   cin >>day;
   cout << "\n Month : ";
   cin >> month;
   cout << "\n Year : ";
   cin >> year;
void Account::Accountdeposit() //depositing an amount
   int DepositAmt;
   cout << "\n Enter Deposit Amount = ";
   cin >> DepositAmt;
   cout << " enter the account to be deposited into" << endl;
   cin >> ACCT_TYPE;
   ActBal += DepositAmt;

void Account::Accountwithdrawl() //withdrawing an amount
   int WithdrwlAmt;
   cout << "\n enter ammount to withdraw = ";
   cin >> WithdrwlAmt;
   cout << " which account do you want to be withdrawn from?" << endl;
   cin >> ACCT_TYPE;
   if (WithdrwlAmt > ActBal)
       cout << "\n Exceeds balance ammount to withdraw";
       ACCT_TYPE=ActBal -= WithdrwlAmt;// the account balance of said act is
void Account::Accountdisplay()
   cout << "\n ----------------------";
   cout << "\n Accout No. : " << ActNum;
   cout << "\n Name : " << Name;
   cout << "\n Account Type : " << ACCT_TYPE;// checking and savings
   cout << "\n Balance : " << ActBal;

void Account::Accounttransfer()
   char ACCT_TYPE;
   double Savings, Checking, ammount;// ammount to transfer
   //cin >> selection;
   cout << " enter the ammount to transfer" << endl;
   cin >> ammount;
   cout << " select whihc account to transfer from and to" <<
       "checking or savings as an s or c" << endl;
   cin >> ACCT_TYPE;
   if (ACCT_TYPE == Savings)
       if (Savings > 0.00)
           Savings -= ammount;
           Checking += ammount;

           cout << "error not enough money" << endl;
   if (ACCT_TYPE==Checking )
           if (Checking > 0.00)
               Checking -= ammount;
               Savings += ammount;

               cout << " error not enough money" << endl;


int main()
{   //so far below prints out data for date
   int Month, Day, Year;
   cout << "please enter month day and year in numerical values" <<
       "then press enter " << endl;
   cin >> Month >>Day >>Year;
   //now that the user inputted data, goes to class and evaluate for new
   //date other than default
   Date newDate(Month, Day, Year);// call to date class
   cout << " the date of your last payment was" << endl;
   newDate.DisplDate();// maybe as showpoint? without this nothing prints out
   cin.get();// getting the data from the class for the new date
   cout<< " your last payment was made on" << cin.get();// getting the data to display function
   return 0;


Expert Solution

using namespace std;

/* I would have helped you implement all the functionality of the programm

But as you have just asked me to help you set the values from the Account class into the Date
class I have pretty much did it,

Inorder to set the values into the date Obj you can use you setters to set their values,
   and similary to use the values some palces you can make use of the getters;

   you can get rid of this function AccountData and take the input in the main and there try to create the object of the
   customers and you can strore them in some data structure to use it later;

   //You have not provided the complete statement soo as far i have understood i have suggested you some stuffs below

       // if your trying to fetch the details just on basis of certain date it make no sense as there would be number of transactions that can happen
           at the same time, so you rather try accessing the details using [Unique Account Number] and there in which you can access the date

           thank you,

   //next time make sure to briefly describe what exactly your programm is doing,


class Date
       int month, day, year;

//These are consturctors
Date();// programmer defined default constructor without parameters
Date(int Month, int Day, int Year);
// destroy the data put into this time for new one

void setDay(int); // set the day(mutator) not returning anything
void setMonth(int);// set the month(mutator)not returning anything
void setYear(int);// set the year(mutator)not returning anything
void DisplDate();// displays the date which passed to class 2 Accounts

int getDay(){
       return this->day;

   int getMonth(){
       return this->month;

   int getYear(){
       return this->year;

~Date() {}

Date :: Date() {
   month = day = year = 0;

Date::Date(int Month, int Day, int Year)// default constructor hold 3 ints
month = Month;
day = Day;
year = Year;

void Date::setDay(int d)
cout<< "enter the day of your last payment"<< endl;
cin >> day;


void Date::setMonth(int m)// need this between 1 and 12 for months
cout << " enter the month of your last payment" << endl;
cin >> month;

void Date::setYear(int y)
cout << "enter a year number" << endl;
cin >> year;

void Date::DisplDate()// display out the month day and year
cout << month << " /" << day << " /" << year << endl;

class Account: private Date // calling the private date values relationship

   //You need to store the data inorder to access them
int ActNum;// account number is integers i.e (1234567890)
string Name;// checking, savings and user name
Date defaultdate;
//object of class date
float ActBal;// must be float dealing with decimals

public://default parameterized constructor

   Account(int accountNum, string accountHolderName, char accountType, float accountBal, int Month = 0, int Day = 0, int Year = 0)
           ActNum = accountNum;
           Name = accountHolderName;
           ACCT_TYPE = accountType;
           ActBal = accountBal;

void AccountData(); // idk if date goes in here
void Accountdeposit();
void Accountwithdrawl();
void Accounttransfer();
void Accountdisplay();
//~Account() {};

void Account::AccountData(void)

cout << "\nEnter account number : ";
cin >> ActNum;
cout << "\nEnter account type (c/s) : ";
cin >> ACCT_TYPE;
cout << "\nEnter name : ";
cin >> Name;
cout << "\nEnter balance : ";
cin >> ActBal;
cout << "\nEnter date of last transaction : ";
cout << "\n Day : ";

   int transactionDay, transactionMonth, transactionYear;

cin >> transactionDay; //As you have declared them private you cannot assigned them values from different class, for which you have to make use of getters and setters || or you try changing the day, month, and year in Date to pubic;
cout << "\n Month : ";
cin >> transactionMonth;
cout << "\n Year : ";
cin >> transactionYear;

void Account::Accountdeposit() //depositing an amount
int DepositAmt;
cout << "\n Enter Deposit Amount = ";
cin >> DepositAmt;
cout << " enter the account to be deposited into" << endl;
cin >> ACCT_TYPE;
ActBal += DepositAmt;

void Account::Accountwithdrawl() //withdrawing an amount
int WithdrwlAmt;
cout << "\n enter ammount to withdraw = ";
cin >> WithdrwlAmt;
cout << " which account do you want to be withdrawn from?" << endl;
cin >> ACCT_TYPE;
if (WithdrwlAmt > ActBal)
cout << "\n Exceeds balance ammount to withdraw";
ACCT_TYPE=ActBal -= WithdrwlAmt;// the account balance of said act is
void Account::Accountdisplay()
cout << "\n ----------------------";
   cout << defaultdate.getDay() << ' ' << defaultdate.getMonth() << ' ' << defaultdate.getYear() << endl;
cout << "\n Accout No. : " << ActNum;
cout << "\n Name : " << Name;
cout << "\n Account Type : " << ACCT_TYPE;// checking and savings
cout << "\n Balance : " << ActBal;

void Account::Accounttransfer()

//char ACCT_TYPE; dont use the same variable what you have declared inside the class again and again

char accontType;
double Savings, Checking, ammount;// ammount to transfer

//cin >> selection;
cout << " enter the ammount to transfer" << endl;
cin >> ammount;
cout << " select whihc account to transfer from and to" <<
"checking or savings as an s or c" << endl;
cin >> accontType;

if (accontType == Savings)
if (Savings > 0.00)
Savings -= ammount;
Checking += ammount;

cout << "error not enough money" << endl;

if (accontType==Checking )
if (Checking > 0.00)
Checking -= ammount;
Savings += ammount;

cout << " error not enough money" << endl;


int main()
{ //so far below prints out data for date
int Month, Day, Year;

cout << "please enter month day and year in numerical values then press enter " << endl;
cin >> Month >>Day >>Year;
//now that the user inputted data, goes to class and evaluate for new
//date other than default
Date newDate(Month, Day, Year);// call to date class
cout << " the date of your last payment was" << endl;
newDate.DisplDate();// maybe as showpoint? without this nothing prints out
cin.get();// getting the data from the class for the new date
cout<< " your last payment was made on" << cin.get();// getting the data to display function
return 0;

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