
In: Computer Science

Do not use Pumping Lemma for Regular Expression to prove the following. You may think of...

Do not use Pumping Lemma for Regular Expression to prove the following. You may think of Closure Properties of Regular Languages

1. Fix an alphabet. For any string w with |w| ≥ 2, let middle(w) be the string obtained by removing the first and last symbols of w. That is, Given L, a regular language on Σ, prove that f1(L) is regular, where

f1(L) = {w : middle(w) ∈ L}


Expert Solution

Let, suppose that the alphabet is a. = {a}

So , the language L is given by { , a ,aa, aaa, aaaa, ..........................................} which is a regular language.


f1(L) represents the language whose words are formed by taking each word from L (length>=2) and stripping its first and last letters.

The first two words in L { , a } are not candidates to form a word in f1(L) because length is < 2.

The following words after are all candidates:

{ aa, aaa, aaaa, ..........................................}.

Now we begin forming the language f1(L) by taking input words from above and applying (stripping) operation

{ , a ,aa, ..........................................}

Note aa --->  ,  aaa ----> a, aaaa ----> aa and so on

Since this is an infinite series , the words formed are already present and same as in langugae L. So both the languages are actually same .

Since L is already proved to be regular, hence f1(L) is also regular.

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