In: Computer Science
Paste this codes to the FORTRAN programing language, and fix it as a working program. Run it at the PLATO and find the outputs.
write(*,"(i3)") 20
write(*,"(spi3)") 20
write(*,"(2i4)") -654, 56, 0, -78, 54
write(*,"(f12.5)") 100.5
write(*,"(e12.5)") 100.5
write(*,"(es12.5)") 100.5
write(*,"(b12.5)") 100
write(*,"(o12.5)") 100
write(*,"(z12.5)") 100
write(*,"(l5)") .true.
write(*,"(a10)") "Deneme", "Deneme_2"
write(*,"(a10,a4)") "Deneme", "Deneme_2"
write(*,"(a10,1x,i3)") "Sonuç =", 6
write(*,"(/,1x,a,/)") "Hoşgeldiniz!"
write(*,"(t5,a)") "Erdem Ersoy"
write(*,"(g4.2)") "Deneme"
write(*,"(g8.3,g5.2)") 34.56, -239
write(*,"(1x,'Erdem',1x,a)") "Ersoy"
write(*,"(1x,""Erdem"",1x,a)") "Ersoy"
You program is not working because the fortran needs to be ended with the end statement , if you dont write the "end" statement at the of the program , than your program is not syntactically correct, so we just need to add the "end" statement in the program.
write(*,"(i3)") 20
write(*,"(spi3)") 20
write(*,"(2i4)") -654, 56, 0, -78, 54
write(*,"(f12.5)") 100.5
write(*,"(e12.5)") 100.5
write(*,"(es12.5)") 100.5
write(*,"(b12.5)") 100
write(*,"(o12.5)") 100
write(*,"(z12.5)") 100
write(*,"(l5)") .true.
write(*,"(a10)") "Deneme", "Deneme_2"
write(*,"(a10,a4)") "Deneme", "Deneme_2"
write(*,"(a10,1x,i3)") "Sonuç =", 6
write(*,"(/,1x,a,/)") "Hoşgeldiniz!"
write(*,"(t5,a)") "Erdem Ersoy"
write(*,"(g4.2)") "Deneme"
write(*,"(g8.3,g5.2)") 34.56, -239
write(*,"(1x,'Erdem',1x,a)") "Ersoy"
write(*,"(1x,""Erdem"",1x,a)") "Ersoy"