
In: Computer Science

I need this program in  Paython programing language wants to maintain a list of quiz Questions, refer...

I need this program in  Paython programing language

wants to maintain a list of quiz Questions, refer to as their Question Pool, in an external data file. Each Question should have the question text, point value, four answer choices, and the correct answer stored. Since they want to keep it fun, each question should also store witty retorts given as Feedback text to the user along with the answer.

The application should have a Graphical User Interface (GUI), which allows the user to see a list of questions. A question editor should allow the users to add new questions, view existing question details, modify existing questions, and delete existing questions.

The program should be able to save and load the list of questions to/from disk storage using files. The user should then be able to perform the standard operations of adding questions, modifying existing questions, and deleting existing questions.

For the quizzing mechanism, A simple 1-person Quiz within the program with 3 questions chosen from the pool of questions. A menu option should allow the user to start a new Quiz, which should clear the application’s main window of everything except the quiz. After completing a Quiz, the user must be allowed to continue using any operation the application offers including taking another Quiz or Managing questions. Your program should not exit or end unless the user chooses to close the program.


Expert Solution

# The "pass" command tells Python to "do nothing".
# It is simply a placeholder to ensure that the starter files run smoothly.
# They are not needed in your completed program.

# Import the json module to allow us to read and write data in JSON format.
import json,os

#global current_ques_list
#current_ques_list = []

# This function repeatedly prompts for input until an integer is entered.
def inputInt(prompt):
while True:
temp = int(input(prompt))
return temp

# This function repeatedly prompts for input until something other than whitespace is entered.
# See Point 2 of the "Functions in" of the brief
def inputSomething(prompt):
global data_list
question = input(prompt)
return question
# This function opens "data.txt" in write mode and writes dataList to it in JSON format.
# See Point 3 of the "Functions in" section of the brief.
def saveChanges(dataList):
with open('data.txt', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(dataList, outfile)

# Here is where you attempt to open data.txt and read the data into a "data" variable.
# If the file does not exist or does not contain JSON data, set "data" to an empty list instead.
# This is the only time that the program should need to read anything from the file.

# Print welcome message, then enter the endless loop which prompts the user for a choice.
# See Point 2 of the "Requirements of" section of the brief.
# The rest is up to you.

print('Welcome to the Quizle Admin Program.')


with open('data.txt','r') as data_file:
data_text_file = json.load(data_file)
current_ques_list = []
while True:

data_list = []
print('Choose [a]dd, [l]ist, [s]earch, [v]iew, [d]elete or [q]uit.')
choice = input('> ').strip()
raise Exception
except Exception:
if choice == 'a':
# Add a new question.
# See Point 3 of the "Requirements of" section of the brief.
question = str(inputSomething("Enter the question: ").strip()).lower()
while True:
if(question == ""):
question =str(inputSomething("Enter the question: ").strip()).lower()

answer = []
while True:
x = str(input("Enter a valid answer (enter 'q' when done):").strip()).lower()
elif(x!='' and x!='q'):
elif(x=='q' and len(answer)!=0):
temp = inputInt('Enter question difficulty (1-5)')
while True:
if(temp < 1 or temp >5):

print("Invalid value. Must be an integer between 1 and 5")
temp = inputInt('Enter question difficulty (1-5)')

diff = temp
final_object = {'question':question,'answer':answer,'diff_level':diff}
if(os.stat("data.txt").st_size == 0):
#with open('data.txt','r') as data_file:
# data = json.load(data_file)

for i in data_list:
elif choice == 'l':
# List the current questions.
# See Point 4 of the "Requirements of" section of the brief.
print("No questions saved")
print("Current Question:")
for i in range(0,len(current_ques_list)):

elif choice == 's':
# Search the current questions.
# See Point 5 of the "Requirements of" section of the brief.
search_term = inputSomething("Enter a search term: ").strip()
for i in range(len(current_ques_list)):
if search_term in current_ques_list[i]['question']:
print("Search results:")

elif choice == 'v':
# View a question.
# See Point 6 of the "Requirements of" section of the brief.
view_index = inputInt('Question number to view: ')
req_data = current_ques_list[view_index-1]
print("\t","Valid Answers: ",', '.join(req_data['answer']))
print("\t","Difficulty: ",req_data["diff_level"])
print("Invalid index number")


elif choice == 'd':
# Delete a question.
# See Point 7 of the "Requirements of" section of the brief.
del_index = int(inputInt('Question number to delete: '))-1
print("Invalid index number")
del_question = current_ques_list.pop(del_index)
#with open('data.txt','r') as data_file:
# temp_list = json.load(data_file)
for i in range(len(data_text_file)):
del data_text_file[i]
with open('data.txt', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(data_text_file, outfile)
print("Invalid index number")

elif choice == 'q':
# Quit the program.
# See Point 8 of the "Requirements of" section of the brief.

# Print "invalid choice" message.
# See Point 9 of the "Requirements of" section of the brief.
print("Invalid choice")



[{"diff_level": 2, "question": "who is pm of india ?", "answer": ["narendra modi"]}, {"diff_level": 2, "question": "who is president of usa?", "answer": ["donald trump"]}, {"diff_level": 4, "question": "what is capital of netherland?", "answer": ["stockholmes"]}, {"diff_level": 2, "question": "who is cm of delhi?", "answer": ["kejriwal"]}, {"diff_level": 4, "question": "who is rocky marciano?", "answer": ["boxer"]}]

# The "pass" command tells Python to do nothing. It is simply a placeholder to ensure that the starter files run smoothly.
# They are not needed in your completed program. Replace them with your own code as you complete the assignment.

# Import the required modules.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
import json
import random

class ProgramGUI:

def __init__(self,master):
# This is the constructor of the class.
# It is responsible for loading and reading the data file and creating the user interface.
# See Points 1 to 6 "Constructor of the GUI Class of" section of the brief.
self.master = master
frame = Frame(master)

with open('data.txt','r') as data_file: = json.load(data_file)
print("Missing/Invalid file")

if len(<5:
messagebox.showerror("Error","Insufficient number of questions")

self.user_score = 0
self.no_of_question_answered = 0
self.correct_question = 0
self.instance = 0
self.diff_level_value = 0

self.diifficulty_level = Label(frame)

self.question = Label(frame)

self.question_entry = Entry(frame)
self.button = Button(frame,text="Submit Answer",command=self.checkAnswer)
self.question_status = Label(frame)


def loadQuestion(self):
# This method is responsible for displaying a question in the GUI,
# as well as showing the special message for difficult questions and showing the user's current progress
# See Point 1 of the "Methods in the GUI Class of" section of the brief.
if self.instance == 0:
self.current_question_set = random.sample(,5)
question = random.choice(self.current_question_set)
self.current_question = question['question']
self.diff_level_value = int(question['diff_level'])



self.diifficulty_level.config(text="This is a hard one - good luck!",fg="blue")
self.question_status.config(text="%s/%s questions answered correctly"%(self.correct_question,self.no_of_question_answered))
self.question_answer = question['answer']

def checkAnswer(self):
# This method is responsible for determining whether the user's answer is correct and showing a Correct/Incorrect messagebox.
# It also checks how many questions have been asked to determine whether or not to end the game.
# See Point 2 of the "Methods in the GUI Class of" section of the a brief.
self.no_of_question_answered += 1
if type(self.question_entry.get()) == str:
user_answer = str(self.question_entry.get()).lower()
user_answer = self.question_entry.get()

if user_answer in self.question_answer:
self.correct_question +=1
self.user_score +=self.diff_level_value*2
messagebox.showwarning("Correct","You are correct!")
messagebox.showerror("Incorrect","Sorry,that was incorrect!")
if self.no_of_question_answered == 5:
messagebox.showwarning("Final Score","Game Over \n Final Score: %s \n\n Thanks for playing" %(self.user_score))
self.instance +=1
self.question_entry.delete(0, 'end')

# Create an object of the ProgramGUI class to begin the program.
root = Tk()
gui = ProgramGUI(root)

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