In: Computer Science
IN ASSEMLY LANGUAGE MASM! please show output run. Write a program that ask the user to write a string and reverse a string using indirect addressing (may not use the stack - push/pop). The string will be given by the user and be up to 64 characters long. INCLUDE INCLUDE MAX = 64 .data source BYTE MAX DUP('#'),0 destination BYTE LENGTHOF source DUP('*'),0 actual_length DWORD ? ask BYTE "Enter a String: ",0 .code main proc ; ask user for input mov edx, OFFSET ask call WriteString ; read string from keyboard mov edx, OFFSET source ; where to put string from keyboard mov ecx, LENGTHOF source ; max num char to get (dont' over fill) call ReadString ; get string mov actual_length, eax ; how long is the string call WriteString mov esi, OFFSET source mov ecx, SIZEOF source call ShowBuffer exit main ENDP
.model flat
source byte "This is the source string", 0
_main proc
mov esi, offset source ; load up start pointer.
mov edi, offset source ; set end pointer by finding zero byte.
dec edi
inc edi ; advance end pointer.
mov al, [edi] ; look for end of string.
cmp al, 0
jnz find_end ; no, keep looking.
dec edi ; yes, adjust to last character.
cmp esi, edi ; if start >= end, then we are finished.
jge finished
mov bl, [esi] ; swap over start and end characters.
mov al, [edi]
mov [esi], al
mov [edi], bl
inc esi ; move pointers toward each other and continue.
dec edi
jmp swap_loop
int 3 ; trap to enter debugger and check string.
; replace with whatever you need.
_main endp
end _main