
In: Biology

Name a nutrient that limits productivity in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

Name a nutrient that limits productivity in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.


Expert Solution

Ans. The major macronutrients including the elements CHONPS.

C is taken up by primary producers (photosynthetic organisms) in form of CO2. Since the rate of CO2 fixation during photosynthesis by RuBisCO is very low, around 3 CO2 molecules per enzyme molecule, atmospheric CO2 level is generally sufficient for primary productivity (photosynthesis) both for terrestrial (CO2 gas) as well as aquatic producers (dissolved CO2, in form of carbonic acid)

# H and O are provided by H2O, and generally present in excess.

# S is required only for amino acids (cysteine and methionine). S is generally obtained from H2S or FeS, etc. Because of its relatively low requirement, S does not act as the limiting nutrient.

# N is a constituent of both amino acids and nucleic acid- thus required in large quantity. Though atmospheric N2 constitute around 78%, the photosynthetic organisms generally do not take up N2 directly from atmosphere. Instead they take up N in form of NH4+ or other forms already present in the medium from decaying biomass or by the symbiotic of N2-fixing microbes. So, because of plant’s large requirement of N but limited availability in the medium, N acts as the limiting reactant in both the terrestrial and aquatic producers.

# Phosphate is a major constituent of nucleic acids and nucleotides for energy transduction. However, P also acts as a limiting nutrient because of its low availability in the medium because the medium (soil or the aqueous medium but not the atmosphere) acts as the source.

# Conclusion: Both N and P may acts as the limiting nutrient for terrestrial and aquatic producers.

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