
In: Computer Science

Consider a numeric vector x (e.g., x=c(2,3,-1,1.2,2.6,0)), write the R code that determine whether each element...

Consider a numeric vector x (e.g., x=c(2,3,-1,1.2,2.6,0)), write the R code that determine whether each element of x is (Verify that your code work correctly):

(a) positive

(b) non-positive

(c) even or odd

(d) an integer


Expert Solution

Given code is in R:

x <- c(2,3,-1,1.2,2.6,0)
for(i in x){    #iterating through the vector.
    if(i > 0){      #to check if the number is positive.
        print(paste(i, " is positive."))
    if(i <= 0){     #to check if the number is not positive.
        print(paste(i, " is non-positive."))
    if(i == round(i)){      #to check if the number is integer, if yes check for odd and even.
        if(i%%2 == 0){      
            print(paste(i, " is even."))
        if(i%%2 != 0){
            print(paste(i, " is odd."))
    if(i == round(i)){
        print(paste(i, " is an integer."))

Output is as follows:

Every case has been divided into if cases so that it can be easily understood.

Kindly like if this helps :)

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