
In: Operations Management

Complete a case analysis of Ford (Case 17) (case study section of your text). A formal,...

Complete a case analysis of Ford (Case 17) (case study section of your text). A formal, in-depth case analysis requires you to utilize the entire strategic-management process. Assume your group is a consulting team asked by Ford to analyze its external/internal environment and make strategic recommendations.

You will be required to make exhibits/matrices to support your analysis and recommendations.

The case analysis must encompass 1-2 pages plus the reference page. The cover page must include the company name, your group name, and the date of submission. The completed case must include: Proposed Alternative Strategies and Recommended Strategies


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Strategic Alternatives:

The Ford Motor Company would need to employ a number of strategic alternatives in solving the problem of inability to strike a competitive market share sustainability in the automotive industry. The alternative strategies include adoption of new appropriate production mechanisms, execution of customer considerate pricing strategies and adoption of robust promotional techniques for the products. Though the alternatives play a significant role in transforming the marketing face of the company, each of them comes with advantages and disadvantages that would need careful consideration.

Development and adoption of new production mechanisms in the manufacturing plant would ensure reduction in production cost hence an increase in profits after sales. The idea would also contribute to increased production capacity with minimum industrial resources. That would offer larger product volumes and variety to the customers to serve their divergent needs and desires. The process would, however, prove expensive for Ford in the preliminary development stages as it would need new installations and designs to start. The company would, therefore, take some time before the fruits of the alternative strategy get realized and that would give the competitors a head start.

The strategic alternative of establishing prices that lean more towards the desires and needs of the customers would be a good idea in solving the marketing problem. Establishing customer-friendly pricing strategies would create a positive customer perception of the products and increase demand. With higher sales indices, Ford would increase production and take over a larger chunk the market share. The disadvantage that comes with the approach is that the company would experience higher sales, but relatively low profits for the first couple of years after execution of the strategy. That means sluggish economic development in the company which would hinder fast market takeover.

The third alternative strategy that ford would employ entails adoption of new promotional techniques to market the products in the competitive market. The strategy would exploit the dynamic technological advancements to channel information about the products to customers in all locations across the global market environment. It would also ensure that Ford adopts faster and more reliable promotional strategies to hasten the rate of inventory turnover through increased sales. The cons that get associated with the alternative include the possibility of malicious misrepresentation of product information on such platforms. That is true, especially considering the fact that new techniques almost always come with hitches before stabilization. The company would, however, need to delve into the strategy and hope for the best outcome while applying appropriate risk assessment and management.


The recommendations for the Ford Motor Company concerning the marketing strategy include adoption of the alternative strategies as a step to transform operations. That would set the company on the right path to face the other strong players in the competitive environment. It is, however important to note that execution of the alternative strategies should come after careful and rigorous deliberations on the pros and cons of each of the strategies. Proper risk assessment as well as benefit evaluation should precede any implementation to ensure that the company has higher prospects in the highly competitive market in its bid to take a larger share of the automotive market . A blend of newer techniques with some of the effective older ones would also go a long way in enhancing the marketing strategy of Ford and would place the company at a vintage point to compete favourably for the existent market space.

In conclusion,

Ford Motor Company has prospects for success in the competitive market environment, but that has to come with strategies to overcome challenges and set the company among the leaders. Employing the managerial and technical strategies would be a great challenge for the company, but the fruits would see the company achieve great profits and expand to dominate markets across the global scene. The progress of Ford would also get pegged in the vision and mission statements as the employees and the managerial team adopt the principles to establish the company in the competitive environment. The market-dominating process would also need the employment of conventional best practices in management and policy establishment to drive the business enterprise forwards against all forces and risk factors.


Strand, R. (2014). Strategic leadership of corporate sustainability. Journal of Business Ethics, 123(4), 687-706.

Winnard, J., Adcroft, A., Lee, J., & Skipp, D. (2014). Surviving or flourishing? Integrating business resilience and sustainability. Journal of Strategy and Management, 7(3), 303-315.

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