What are the methods of energy conservation in electrical drives

What are the methods of energy conservation in electrical drives

In: Electrical Engineering

What are the main advantages of three-phase rectification over three phase half-wave rectification? What are the...

What are the main advantages of three-phase rectification over three phase half-wave rectification?

What are the main advantages of three-phase rectification over single phase?

please explain with pictures( at least 2000Words).

In: Electrical Engineering

An antenna has a beamwidth of 36.10. It is fed by an RG8 transmission line 0.5...

An antenna has a beamwidth of 36.10. It is fed by an RG8 transmission line 0.5 km long whose attenuation is 3.4 dB/100 m at 220 MHz. The transmitter output is 50 W. Determine: a. the transmission line transmitted power and b. the effective radiated power.

In: Electrical Engineering

"Engineering students devote less that 5% of their engineering studies to communication skills. Practicing engineers devote...

"Engineering students devote less that 5% of their engineering studies to communication skills. Practicing engineers devote 20-40% of their working time to communication"

***What accounts for the disparity? If up to 40% of an engineer's working time spent writing and communicating, why is communication not a more substantial and significant part of an engineering students educational training?

**** please write a 550 word essay and write it as a document*****

In: Electrical Engineering

witches »   HW-20: Arduino - Motor Speed.problem Arduino - Measuring Motor Speed Arduino sketch with...

witches »


HW-20: Arduino - Motor Speed.problem

Arduino - Measuring Motor Speed

Arduino sketch with corresponding line numbers per coding line.
Match line # 1 through #17 with the corresponding instruction purpose.

1.   int count = 0;
     float f = 0;
     float PPR = 500;
     float RPM= 0;

2.   void setup()
3.      pinMode(2,INPUT);
4.      attachInterrupt(0,freq,RISING);
5.      Serial.begin(9600);

6.    void loop()
7.      count=0;
8.      delay(100);
9.      f=10*count;
10.    RPM=f/PPR;
11.    Serial.print(count);
12.    Serial.print(" Pulses/100ms");
13.    Serial.print("\t");
14.    Serial.print(f);
15.    Serial.println(" Hz");

16.   void freq()
17.      count=count++; 

 1 2 3 4 5  Establish inputs and outputs 
 1 2 3 4 5  Declare Variables 
 1 2 3 4 5  Establish output communications with the monitor 
 1 2 3 4 5  Declare digital input pin 
 1 2 3 4 5  Establish interrupt digital input pin, name and mode 
 Tries 0/2
 6 7 8 9 10  Establish initial count value within the running program loop 
 6 7 8 9 10  Infinite loop - running program 
 6 7 8 9 10  Calculate revolutions per minute 
 6 7 8 9 10  Calculate freqency 
 6 7 8 9 10  Delay 100 ms while counting interrupt pulses 
 Tries 0/2
 11 12 13 14 15  Print text "Pulses/100ms" to monitor 
 11 12 13 14 15  Print count value to monitor 
 11 12 13 14 15  Print text " Hz" to monitor then line feed 
 11 12 13 14 15  Print frequency value to monitor 
 11 12 13 14 15  Print tab spacing to monitor 
 Tries 0/2
 16 17  Interrupt subroutine 
 16 17  Add one to the count which is accumulating the number of pulses in 100ms 
 Tries 0/2

In: Electrical Engineering

Show and explain Gauss-Jordan elimination using Matlab.

Show and explain Gauss-Jordan elimination using Matlab.

In: Electrical Engineering

Explain in very details what happen inside the 7805 regulator to convert 7-12 voltage to 5...

Explain in very details what happen inside the 7805 regulator to convert 7-12 voltage to 5 V. and also show the circuit and calculation

In: Electrical Engineering

Decreasing the quantization interval of an ADC will decrease the average quantization error, True or False.

Decreasing the quantization interval of an ADC will decrease the average quantization error, True or False.

In: Electrical Engineering

Write the half-reactions that occur at each electrode when charging a lithium ion battery with a...

Write the half-reactions that occur at each electrode when charging a lithium ion battery with a graphite anode and a LiCoO2 cathode. What is the overall reaction for the charging process?

Can you explain as well too please, not just the answer. Thanks!

In: Electrical Engineering

Please answer the following questions. 1. Please explain why we need image rejection filter or image...

Please answer the following questions.

1. Please explain why we need image rejection filter or image rejection mixer and when we need with detail explanation.

2. Please introduce a couple of methods to remove image signals.

In: Electrical Engineering

A 100 ohms load is connected to a 50 ohms transmission line. Determine the value of...

A 100 ohms load is connected to a 50 ohms transmission line. Determine the value of the reactance to put in series at the input to the line and the length in wavelengths of the shortest transmission line to match with a 50 ohms source.

In: Electrical Engineering

Assume a trapezoidal speed time curve and derive an expression for the maximum speed.

Assume a trapezoidal speed time curve and derive an expression for the maximum speed.

In: Electrical Engineering

Simplified explanation of the electric power system.

Simplified explanation of the electric power system.

In: Electrical Engineering

5.1 Sketch the energy band diagram for an n-type MOS-C under accumulation bias conditions and sketch...

5.1 Sketch the energy band diagram for an n-type MOS-C under accumulation bias conditions and sketch the energy band diagram for an n-type MOS-C under depletion bias conditions.

In: Electrical Engineering

Describe briefly the four (4 ) control methods of the contaminants (pollutants)

Describe briefly the four (4 ) control methods of the contaminants (pollutants)

In: Electrical Engineering