The fundamentals of investing constitutes all those decisions
which let us to do investment in various kinds of assets whether
short-term or long-term with the expectations that its value will
increase and provide us profits. The other fundamentals of
investing are :
- Recognition of risk : While we invest in any asset we take up
risk because the value of the asset could rise or decrease. If a
investor is keen to have profits, he also prepared to take up the
- Definite target : When a investor invests, it sets a target
towards the appreciation of the value of the asset. No sooner the
target is achieved, the investor square up the investment made and
take home the profit so made.
- Term of investment : The term of the investment is always very
important because highly risky assets has to be disposed of in
short term and a safe investment should be carried for a long term
so that the targets are achieved to the full.
- Allocation of assets under investment portfolio : the investor
has to allocate the assets according to the percentage of risk it
has to observe in relation to a asset.
- Diversification plays a vital role : The investors should not
put all eggs in the same basket or do investment in a single asset.
He should diverse according to the importance of the asset and the
quantum of the risk which it can avail.