
In: Operations Management

Transparency in leaders is popular in business today. Some argue that a business needs to have...

Transparency in leaders is popular in business today. Some argue that a business needs to have transparent leaders because, given the state of social media, nothing can remain secret anyway.

  1. What are the upsides of transparency?
  2. What are potential downsides of transparency?
  3. Are there limits to how transparent a leader should be?


Expert Solution

Transperancy in leadership is considered to be a quality of the leader in the current globalization environment. The major upsides of transparency are

  • It helps in create trust with followers and stakeholders
  • This formulate better co ordination and collaboration among people for team work.
  • It enhances knowedhe sharing and helps in mutual growth
  • This redices ambiguity and provide cllarity on objectives

Some of the downside of transparency are

  • In certain situation transparency create more enemies as people sometimes take things very personally
  • It ceates a situation where the competitors can copy the strategy easily
  • It reduces the facilitation of unique value proposition and cannot create acompetitive advanatage because of over transparency

There is no proper limit as such for a transparent leaders but the leader should be awar and act upon the provacy of information and integrity of business. All information are not supposed to be transparent and there should be thin line to decide which one has to published and which one not. Leaders should use transparency for the benefit of the organization and for their corporate social responsbility and guide the peers how to have a cut off on transparency.

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