
In: Computer Science

In C++ Make changes to List.h and List.cpp, but not City.h or City.cpp. Project includes Cities01.txt...

In C++

Make changes to List.h and List.cpp, but not City.h or City.cpp.

Project includes Cities01.txt , City.h ,City.cpp , List.h , List.cpp , and Trial.cpp


Lansing 42.73 -84.55
Detroit 42.33 -83.04
Flint 43.01 -83.68
Grand-Rapids 42.96 -85.66
Jackson 42.27 -84.47
Kalamazoo 42.23 -85.55
Ann-Arbor 42.22 -83.75
Mt-Pleasant 43.60 -84.78
Clare 43.82 -84.77
Saginaw 43.42 -83.95


// City class definition

class city
{ friend class list;
city(); // Constructor
bool get(istream& in); // Input name & location
void put(ostream& out); // Output data
string name; // Name
float latitude,longitude; // Location

#define LIST_SIZE 20

#include "City.h"

class list
{ public:
list(); // Constructor - empty list
bool insert(city arg); // Add a city
void display(ostream& out); // Output data
void sort(string arg); // Sort by distance from arg
int size(); // Return number of cities
int len; // Number of used cities
city map[LIST_SIZE]; // Data set

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

#include "City.h"

* Constructor - no parameters
{ name = "";
latitude = longitude = 0.0F;

* Get
bool city::get(istream &in)
{ in >> name;
in >> latitude;
in >> longitude;
return in.good();

* Put
void city::put(ostream &out)
{ out << left;
out << setw(14) << name;
out << right << fixed << setprecision(2);
out << setw(8) << latitude;
out << setw(8) << longitude;

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

#include "List.h"

* list()
{ len = 0;

* insert()
bool list::insert(city arg)

// Check to see if there is room

if(len>=LIST_SIZE) return false;

// Add to array
map[len++] = arg;

// Return success

return true;

* display()
void list::display(ostream &out)

* size()
int list::size()
{ return len;
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

#include "List.h"

* main()
void main()
{ string name;
fstream infile;
city c;
list state;

// Load from file

cout << "Enter file name: ";
cin >> name;
cout << endl;,ios::in);
if(!infile.is_open()) return;

while(c.get(infile)) state.insert(c);


// Display

cout << state.size() << " Cities" << endl << endl;

/* Steps 10.6-7
// Sort by closest to here and display

cout << "Enter home city: ";
cin >> name;
cout << endl;



Could use some help with implementing the list::display() function so the output looks like this:

Enter file name: Cities01.txt

10 Cities

City               Lat    Long

-------------- ------ ------

Lansing         42.73 -84.55

Detroit          42.33 -83.04

Flint            43.01 -83.68

Grand-Rapids     42.96 -85.66

Jackson          42.27 -84.47

Kalamazoo        42.23 -85.55

Ann-Arbor        42.22 -83.75

Mt-Pleasant     43.60 -84.78

Clare            43.82 -84.77

Saginaw          43.42 -83.95

Create a private function list::dist() that takes two integers src and dst, and calculates the distance between the cities at index src and dst. Hint:

Distance = Sqrt((latsrc-latdist)^2+(longsrc-longdist)^2)

Update the display() function so it calls the distance() function to display the distance between each city and the first city in the list. Uncomment the section in main() for steps 10.6-7. Implement the list::sort() function in two parts:

  • Search for the matching city name in the list. Swap that city with the first element in the list.
  • Use a bubble or selection sort to order the cities in ascending order based on the distance from the home city (map index 0).

Output should look like this:

Enter file name: Cities01.txt

10 Cities

City               Lat    Long    Dist

-------------- ------ ------ ------

Lansing         42.73 -84.55    0.00

Detroit         42.33 -83.04    1.56

Flint            43.01 -83.68    0.91

Grand-Rapids     42.96 -85.66    1.13

Jackson          42.27 -84.47    0.47

Kalamazoo       42.23 -85.55    1.12

Ann-Arbor       42.22 -83.75    0.95

Mt-Pleasant     43.60 -84.78    0.90

Clare            43.82 -84.77    1.11

Saginaw          43.42 -83.95    0.91

Enter home city: Lansing

City              Lat    Long    Dist

-------------- ------ ------ ------

Lansing         42.73 -84.55    0.00

Jackson         42.27 -84.47    0.47

Mt-Pleasant     43.60 -84.78    0.90

Flint            43.01 -83.68    0.91

Saginaw          43.42 -83.95    0.91

Ann-Arbor       42.22 -83.75    0.95

Clare            43.82 -84.77    1.11

Kalamazoo        42.23 -85.55    1.12

Grand-Rapids     42.96 -85.66    1.13

Detroit          42.33 -83.04    1.56


Expert Solution


The code written in bold is edited code.

In this code setter and getter methods are also added to set and get the value of fields as they are private

also swap function and toRadians functions are used which does the same thing as the name suggests .And also selection sort is used to sort the cities


// City class definition

class city
{ friend class list;
city(); // Constructor
bool get(istream& in); // Input name & location
void put(ostream& out); // Output data

float getlat(); // get latitude

float getlong();// get longitude

string getname(); // get name

void setlat(float lat); // set latitude

void setlong(float long); // set longitude

void setname(string name); //set name

string name; // Name
float latitude,longitude; // Location

#define LIST_SIZE 20

#include "City.h"

class list
{ public:
list(); // Constructor - empty list
bool insert(city arg); // Add a city

void dist(city src,city  desc);//distance between two cities

float toRadians(float degree); //convert degree to radians

void swap(city a,city b); // swap to cities values

void display(ostream& out); // Output data
void sort(string arg); // Sort by distance from arg
int size(); // Return number of cities
int len; // Number of used cities
city map[LIST_SIZE]; // Data set

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

#include "City.h"

* Constructor - no parameters
{ name = "";
latitude = longitude = 0.0F;

* Get
bool city::get(istream &in)
{ in >> name;
in >> latitude;
in >> longitude;
return in.good();

void city::setlat(float lat) //setter method for latitude




void city::setlong(float long ) //setter method for longitude




void city:: setname(string n) //setter method for name




float city::getlat() // getter method for latitude


return lat;


float city:: getlong() //getter method for longitude


return long;


srtring city:: getname() //getter method for name


return name;


* Put
void city::put(ostream &out)
{ out << left;
out << setw(14) << name;
out << right << fixed << setprecision(2);
out << setw(8) << latitude;
out << setw(8) << longitude;

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

#include "List.h"

* list()
{ len = 0;

* insert()
bool list::insert(city arg)

// Check to see if there is room

if(len>=LIST_SIZE) return false;

// Add to array
map[len++] = arg;

// Return success

return true;


void list:: swap(city a,city b)


// swapping the latitude values

float temp=a.getlat();



// swapping the longitude values




// swapping the name values

string t=a.getname();







float toRadians(float degree)


float one_deg = (M_PI) / 180;

    return (one_deg * degree);





void list::dist(city a ,city b)


float lat1=a.getlat();

float long1=a.getlong();

float lat2=b.getlat();

float long2=b.getlong();

    lat1 = toRadians(lat1);

    long1 = toRadians(long1);

    lat2 = toRadians(lat2);

    long2 = toRadians(long2);


    float dlong = long2 - long1;

float dlat = lat2 - lat1;

float ans = pow(sin(dlat / 2), 2) +

                          cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) *

                          pow(sin(dlong / 2), 2);

    ans = 2 * asin(sqrt(ans));


float R = 6371;


    ans = ans * R;

    return ans;


* display()
void list::display(ostream &out)

for(int i=1;i<len;i++)

cout<<"distance between the city first and city "<<i <<"is"<<distance(map[0],map[1])<<"\n";



void list ::sort(string arg)


for(int i=0;i<len;i++)



{ swap(map[i],map[0]);




for(int i=1;i<n;i++)


float dis=dist(map[i],map[0]);

int min=i;

for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++)


  float D=dist(map[j],map[0]);








* size()
int list::size()
{ return len;

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

#include "List.h"

* main()
void main()
{ string name;
fstream infile;
city c;
list state;

// Load from file

cout << "Enter file name: ";
cin >> name;
cout << endl;,ios::in);
if(!infile.is_open()) return;

while(c.get(infile)) state.insert(c);


// Display

cout << state.size() << " Cities" << endl << endl;

/* Steps 10.6-7
// Sort by closest to here and display

cout << "Enter home city: ";
cin >> name;
cout << endl;



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