
In: Biology

Mendels second law is often referred to as the law of independent assortment . create an...

Mendels second law is often referred to as the law of independent assortment . create an example to illustrate it and chi-square to verify the results


Expert Solution

One example is given to demonstrate the chi-square test.

Total progeny = 1624

Expected number of Red eyed & Long toed progeny = 9/16 *1624 = 913.5

Expected number of Red eyed & short toed progeny = 3/16 *1624 = 304.5

Expected number of Blue eyed & long toed progeny = 3/16 *1624 = 304.5

Expected number of blue eyed & short toed progeny = 1/16 *1624 = 101.5



Expected (E)




Red eyed & Long toed






Red eyed & short toed






Blue eyed & long toed






Blue eyed & short toed










Ch-square = X^2 = 0.26

Degree of freedom = No. of phenotypes -1

Df = 4-1=3

The Chi-square value (0.26) is less than critical (p) value (7.81). So the given data is consistant with expected results. So we can accept null hypothesis and the genes are assorted independently

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