
In: Psychology

7)Differences – explain 3 differences between C.C. and O.C. a.The association learned in each type of...

7)Differences – explain 3 differences between C.C. and O.C.

a.The association learned in each type of conditioning

b.Involuntary vs. voluntary learning

c.The sequence of stimulus and behavior


Expert Solution


- Classical conditioning was first demonstrated by Ivan Pavlov.

- It is also known as Respondent conditioning

- The neutral stimulus is provided before the desirable behaviour

- It includes involuntary behaviours

- The basic concept in classical conditioning is that learning occurs when two stimuli are associated.

The UnConditioned Stimuli (UCS) is paired with the Neutral Stimuli (NS), which then becomes a Conditioned Stimuli (CS) that elicits a Conditioned Response (CR).


- Operant conditioning was first demonstrated by B.F Skinner.

- It is also known as Instrumental conditioning

- The rewards or punishments are provided after the desirable or undesirable behaviour

- It includes voluntary behaviours

- The basic concept in operant conditioning is that learning occurs by strengthening or weakening a behaviour that depends on the Reinforcements or Punishments that is provided with response to that particular behaviour.

a) The association learned in conditioning:

Classical conditioning:

In Pavlov's experiment, the dog salivates (UCR) at the sight of food (UCS). Then, the sound of a bell (NS) is made to be associated with the food that makes the bell sound a conditioned stimuli. Now, the dog would salivate (CR) at the sound of the bell (CS), without even looking at the food.

This is because, the dog has associated the sound of the bell to the supply of food, and it starts to salivate on hearing the sound of the bell.

Operant conditioning:

- If a child gets good grades in his test, and he is been reinforced with a chocolate, that behaviour is likely to be strengthened.

The child has associated the positive consequence (getting chocolates) with the behaviour (getting good grade) and tends to repeat that behaviour

- If a child disobeys his parents, he is been punished by not given toys for playing, which is suppose to weaken that behaviour.

The child has associated the negative consequences (not getting toy for playing) with the behaviour (disobeying parents) and tends to reduce that behaviour.

b) The behaviour that occur after Classical conditioning is a involuntary learning

The behaviours that occur after a Operant conditioning is a voluntary learning.

c) In a Classical conditioning, the neutral stimulus is provided first, then the unconditioned stimulus is provided, then the association occurs, due to which the neutral stimuli becomes a conditioned stimuli and elicits a conditioned response.

In a Operant conditioning, the stimulus (reinforcements or punishments) is provided after the behaviour to develop a association that would strengthen or weaken that particular behaviour.

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