
In: Finance

Here is the following information on the Cheesecake Factory, I am trying to answer question 1...

Here is the following information on the Cheesecake Factory, I am trying to answer question 1 below. Can you please help me out? Excel assignment.

  • Current Dividend (Source – Yahoo!Finance) $1.28
  • Required Return (Estimated) 8.9%
  • Current EPS (Source – Yahoo!Finance) $2.14
  • Current Book Value Per Share (Source – Yahoo!Finance) $13.24
  • Current EBITDA per share (Source – Yahoo!Finance) $5.25
  • Current Debt per share è $2.80 Current Cash and Equivalents per share $0.61
  • Initial Growth Rate for H-Model (Estimated) 9%
  • Terminal Growth Rate for H-Model (Estimated) 3%
  • Time to Reach Terminal Growth Rate for H-Model (Estimated) 10 years
  • Forecasted Growth Rates (Estimated)
    • Year 1 6%
    • Year 2 9%
    • Year 3 12%
    • Year 4 6%
    • Year 5 4%
    • Years 6 through infinity 3%
  • Historical PE, PB and EV/EBITDA (Source – Morningstar and
    • 5-Year Average 19.8 4.1 9.3        
  • Comparative PE, PB, and EV/EBITDA for S&P 500 (Source – Morningstar and estimate)
    • 19.2 (5-year avg = 19.6)     3.7 (5-year avg = 2.9)     13.0 (5-year average 12.3)
  1. Calculate the price for Cheesecake Factory using the
    1. H-Model
    2. Non-Constant Dividend Valuation Approach
    3. Relative valuation
    1. Historical PE, PB, and EV/EBITDA
    2. Comparative PE, PB, and EV/EBITDA (Adjust S&P 500 to reflect Cheesecake Factory’s average discount or premium to the market over the past 5 years. Example, if the S&P 500 had an average PE over the past 5 years of 17.0 and your company had an average PE of 14, then your company has historically traded at 82.35% of the market average PE. Therefore, if the current S&P 500 PE is 17.7, your company should have a PE of 14.58 based on the comparative relative valuation to PE. Take the 14.58 times your firm’s EPS to get fair value using this method.)


Expert Solution

a. Concept of H-model ,

V = [1.28*( 1+0.03)]+ [1.28*10/2 *(0.09-0.03)]/ (0.089 -0.03) = 1.7024/0.059 = 28.85424

b . Based on concept of Non-Constant Dividend Valuation Approach ( two stage model)

Year Growth rate Dividend PV(d)
0 1.28
1 1.60% 1.30048 1.194197
2 2.90% 1.33819392 1.128401
3 3.12% 1.37994557 1.068509
4 4.60% 1.443423067 1.026318
5 5.40% 1.521367912 0.993333
Value of 1st stag 5.410758
Second stage Value 1.521368*(1+0.03)/(0.089-0.03) 26.55948
Total value of share 31.97023

C-1 ) relative valuation concept ,

V = E * (P/E) --- for P/E approach , V = 2.14*19.8= 42.372

V = B * (P/B) --- for P/B approach , V = 13.24*4.1= 52.284

V = EBITDA * (EV/EBITDA) --- for EV/EBITDA approach , V = 5.25 *9.3= 48.825

C-2) Relation with company data with S$P 500 with 5 year concept ,

5 year Company (   C ) 5 year S$P ( S ) Relation(R ) = C/S Current S$P (S_C) Current Company (S_C *R) Value
P/E 19.8 19.6 101.02% 19.2 19.396 41.507 2.14*19.396
P/B 4.1 2.9 141.38% 3.7 5.231 69.258 13.24*5.231
EV/EBITDA 9.3 12.3 75.61% 13 9.829 51.602 5.25*9.829

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