
In: Math

Hello, I have been trying to answer this question for the last hour and I am...

Hello, I have been trying to answer this question for the last hour and I am still struggling could someone help me? The deadline is in 1hour!

Perform an analysis of variance on the following data set. Do this by answering the questions below.

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
82 87 97
91 90 99
93 91 104
94 99 105
94 101 106
95 115 109
99 118 110
101 114
103 117
105 121
106 121
106 129

Link to spreadsheet.

  1. What is SST?

  2. What is the test statistic from ANOVA?

  3. What is the p-value from ANOVA?

  4. Consider the null hypothesis that there are no differences between the means of the three populations from which the three columns were sampled. Should this hypothesis be rejected at the 5% level?


Expert Solution

The following table is obtained:

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
82 87 97
91 90 99
93 91 104
94 99 105
94 101 106
95 115 109
99 118 110
101 114
103 117
105 121
106 121
106 129
Sum = 1409 1303 730
Average = 100.643 108.583 104.286
143357 143709 76268
St. Dev. = 10.924 14.222 4.821
SS = 1551.214 2224.917 139.429
n = 14 12 7

The total sample size is N = 33. Therefore, the total degrees of freedom are:

Also, the between-groups degrees of freedom are

, and the within-groups degrees of freedom are:

First, we need to compute the total sum of values and the grand mean. The following is obtained

Also, the sum of squared values is

Based on the above calculations, the total sum of squares is computed as follows

The within sum of squares is computed as shown in the calculation below:

The between sum of squares is computed directly as shown in the calculation below:

Now that sum of squares are computed, we can proceed with computing the mean sum of squares:

Finally, with having already calculated the mean sum of squares, the F-statistic is computed as follows:

Null and Alternative Hypotheses

Ha: At least one mean is not same.

Test Statistics

p-value = 0.2266

(3) Decision about the null hypothesis

As p = 0.2266 > 0.05, it is concluded that the null hypothesis is not rejected.

(5) Conclusion

It is concluded that the null hypothesis Ho is not rejected. Therefore, there is not enough evidence to claim that not all 3 population means are equal, at the 0.05 significance level.

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