
In: Computer Science

Programming Assignment #2, Processes Write a C program (time_shm.c) that determines the amount of time necessary...

Programming Assignment #2, Processes

  1. Write a C program (time_shm.c) that determines the amount of time necessary to run a command from the command line. This program will be run as

./time <command [args...]>

and will report the amount of elapsed time to run the specified command. This will involve using fork() and execvp() functions, as well as the gettimeofday() function to determine the elapsed time. It will also require the use of two different IPC mechanisms.

The general strategy is to fork a child process that will execute the specified command. However, before the child executes the command, it will record a timestamp of the current time (which we term “starting time”). The parent process will wait for the child process to terminate. Once the child terminates, the parent will record the current timestamp for the ending time. The difference between the starting and ending times represents the elapsed time to execute the command. The example output below reports the amount of time to run the command ls:

./time ls -l

total 156

25616 Feb


15:59 a.out

-rwxr-xr-x 1 thomas users

-rw-r--r-- 1 thomas users

252 Feb


16:00 output.txt

-rwxr-xr-x 1

thomas users




20:58 project.exe

-rwxr-xr-x 1

thomas users




21:00 time

-rw-r--r-- 1

thomas users




20:58 time.c

Elapsed time: 0.001448 seconds

As the parent and child are separate processes, they will need to arrange how the starting time will be shared between them. You will write one version of this program, representing a method of IPC.

2a) The first version, time_shm.c, will have the child process write the starting time to a region of shared memory before it calls execvp(). After the child process terminates, the parent will read the starting time from shared memory. The region of shared memory should be established before the child process is forked, allowing both the parent and child processes access to the region of shared memory.

You will use the gettimeofday() function to record the current timestamp. This function is passed a pointer to a struct timeval object, which contains two members: tv_sec and tv_usec. These represent the number of elapsed seconds and microseconds since January 1, 1970 (known as the UNIX EPOCH). The following code sample illustrates how this function can be used:

  • Get current time timeval_t startTime; gettimeofday( &startTime, 0 );
  • get the end time

timeval_t end_time;

gettimeofday( &end_time, 0 );

  • calculate elapsed time timeval_t elapsed_time;

timersub( &end_time, startTime, &elapsed_time );

// print elapsed time (microseconds right justified zero filled)

printf( "\nElapsed time: %d.%06d seconds\n", elapsed_time.tv_sec, elapsed_time.tv_usec );


  1. For IPC between the child and parent processes, the contents of the shared memory pointer can be assigned the struct timeval representing the starting time. When pipes are used, a pointer to a struct timeval can be written to - and read from - the pipe.
  1. gcc time_shm.c -otime -lrt is an example command to compile and link your program

3.    ./time ls -l | tee time_shm_output.txt is an example command to run your program while collecting your program’s output to a text file and seeing the output on the console.


Expert Solution


   #include <fcntl.h>  
   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <unistd.h> 17
   #include <sys/shm.h>
   #include <sys/mman.h>
   #include <sys/time.h>
   #include <sys/wait.h>

!defined( USING_PIPES )
USING_SHARED_MEMORY // Shared memory will be the default implementation
#Define IPC_METHOD "Anonymous Pipe"

int main( int argc, char **argv )
if( argc <= 1 )
   fprintf( stderr, "usage:   %s [args...]\n", argv[0] );

return -1;

typedef struct timeval timeval_t;

   // Shared memory setup
   // 1) create the shared memory region
   char sharedMemoryName[] = "Command Timer";
   int   sharedMemoryFD   = shm_open( sharedMemoryName, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666 );
   // 2) configure the size of the shared memory region
   ftruncate( sharedMemoryFD, sizeof(timeval_t) );
   // 3) memory map the shared memory region
   timeval_t * sharedMemory = mmap( 0, sizeof(timeval_t), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, sharedMemoryFD, 0 );
   #else   // USING_PIPES

//pipe setup
enum {READ_END =0,WRITE _END};
int pipeFD[2];

if( fork() == 0 )
   // Get and save the current time into shared memory,
   gettimeofday( sharedMemory, 0 );

close (pipeFD[READ_END]);

timeval_t startTime;

   execvp( argv[1], argv + 1 );
   else // parent process
   wait( 0 ); 129
   // get the end time
   timeval_t end_time;
   gettimeofday( &end_time, 0 );
   // get the start time
   timeval_t   startTime;
startTime = *sharedMemory;
   // The child placed the start time in shared memory
#else   // USING_PIPES
read (pipeFD[READ_END], &startTime,sizeof(startTime));
// calculate elapsed time
   timeval_t elapsed_time;
   timersub( &end_time, &startTime, &elapsed_time );

   // print microseconds right justified zero filled
   printf( "\nElapsed time: %d.%06d seconds\n", elapsed_time.tv_sec, elapsed_time.tv_usec );
   printf( "IPC Method: %s\nCommand: ", IPC_METHOD);
   char ** arg = argv + 1;
   while( *arg ) printf("%s ", *arg++);
   return 0;



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