
In: Psychology

Finally, contrast the Big 5 model with the id, ego, and superego found in the psychodynamic...

Finally, contrast the Big 5 model with the id, ego, and superego found in the psychodynamic approach to personality in terms of how well these models apply to yourself (with the acknowledgement that anecdotal self-reports lack validity and are subject to bias and emotional reasoning)


Expert Solution

The Big Five model include 5 personality traits. They are Openess, conscientiousness, extravesrsion, agreeableness, neurotisma and extraversion.A person with high openes is highly creative and focus on challenging on new problems. They are also ready to solve abstract problems. In case of low openss they are not ready change, resist new ideas and not ready to acept new changes. So people with hihg openss work with Ego and with low openss work with Id. I belong to the person who work with the Ego and hogh openss which is based on reality principle. In acse of high and low conscientiousness people tend to behave with spending time on prepration and does not spent respectively. High people give attention to detail and enjoys a set of schedule. In case of low they does not face attention to detail and deos like to work on schedule. Here high people work on Ego and low pople work on id ie on reality and pleasure principle. i can identify myself between both of these as i fluctuate between them.

High Extraversion person find free to interact with everyone around and feels empathy over others. they assit everyone in need. Low extraversion people finds it ddifficult to interact with others. they does not consider what others and their feelings. here tow people with high work on superego and ego and people with low extraversion work with id. I can find find myself with high exraversion as i fell free to interact with everyone

In acse of neurotism hightly neurotic people face stress. they feel anxious and change in moods most of the time. The find it often difficult to bounce back after stressful events. Low neurotic people are emotinally stable and are able deal with sress in a wonderful manner. they feel very much relaxed. It case of low neurotism people work on Ego and in case high neurotism people tend to work mostly on id and superego. I am a person with low neurotism as i am able to mamnge my enmotions well and is able to bounce back after stressful events

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