
In: Psychology

I. Contemporary Psychodynamic Founder(s): Philosophical Assumptions- What’s the Big Idea?: Model of Personality What Makes People...

I. Contemporary Psychodynamic


Philosophical Assumptions- What’s the Big Idea?:

Model of Personality What Makes People Tick?:

Model of Abnormality- What Makes People Sick?:

Model of Health- What’s the Goal?:

Model of Psychotherapy- What Makes People Well?:

II. Behavior


Philosophical Assumptions- What’s the Big Idea?:

Model of Personality- What Makes People Tick?:

Model of Abnormality- What Makes People Sick?:

Model of Health- What’s the Goal?:

Model of Psychotherapy- What Makes People Well?:

III. Rational- Emotive


Philosophical Assumptions- What’s the Big Idea?:

Model of Personality- What Makes People Tick?:

Model of Abnormality- What Makes People Sick?:

Model of Health- What’s the Goal?:

Model of Psychotherapy- What Makes People Well?:

IV. Person-Centered

Founder(s): Carl Rogers

Philosophical Assumptions- What’s the Big Idea?:

Model of Personality- What Makes People Tick?:

Model of Abnormality- What Makes People Sick?:

Model of Health- What’s the Goal?:

Model of Psychotherapy- What Makes People Well?:


Expert Solution

I. Contemporary Psychodynamic

Founder(s): Freud, Jung, Erickson.

Philosophical Assumptions- What’s the Big Idea?: Our behavior is affected by our unconscious motives.

Model of Personality What Makes People Tick?: Sex and aggression.

Model of Abnormality- What Makes People Sick?: Unconscious conflicts

Model of Health- What’s the Goal?: Awareness of ones unconscious conflicts

Model of Psychotherapy- What Makes People Well?: Insight oriented therapy

II. Behavior

Founder(s): John.N Watson, B.F Skinner

Philosophical Assumptions- What’s the Big Idea?: Our behavior is acquired learning

Model of Personality- What Makes People Tick?: Classical Conditioning, operant conditioning

Model of Abnormality- What Makes People Sick?: Faulty learning

Model of Health- What’s the Goal?: Positive reinforcement

Model of Psychotherapy- What Makes People Well?: Behavior Modification, Counter Conditioning, Reinforcement

III. Rational- Emotive

Founder(s): Albert Elis

Philosophical Assumptions- What’s the Big Idea?:  ABC Model, Events influence beliefs which have consequences

Model of Personality- What Makes People Tick?: Our behavior is made up of events, beliefs and heir consequences.

Model of Abnormality- What Makes People Sick?: Irrational Thought Patterns

Model of Health- What’s the Goal?: Respond rationally to such situations

Model of Psychotherapy- What Makes People Well?: Gain insight into the irrational thought patterns and challenge them.

IV. Person-Centered

Founder(s): Carl Rogers

Philosophical Assumptions- What’s the Big Idea?: Human being strive to fulfill their own potential

Model of Personality- What Makes People Tick?: Natural human inclination “towards self actualization

Model of Abnormality- What Makes People Sick?: Past experience, Incongruence between real and ideal self.

Model of Health- What’s the Goal?: Actualize ones own potential

Model of Psychotherapy- What Makes People Well?: Actualizing own potential and awareness of ones own self.

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