
In: Operations Management

If you believe the punctuated-equilibrium model is true about groups, how can you use this knowledge...

If you believe the punctuated-equilibrium model is true about groups, how can you use this knowledge to help your own group?

Please explain in at least 120 words.


Expert Solution

punctuated-equilibrium model is important model industrial change where changes are relatively stable for long time but experiencing short burst of fundamental change. Here revolutionary changes occurs in brief, generally classified by issue or problem that breaks through the systematic inertia and changes the organization structure in deep.

In such situation the organization or the industry has the opportunity to learn and help to create new structure for the organization. The new structure will be better aligned with the reality. In the model groups are repeatedly cycle through performing stage and storming, with the revolutionary changes takes place in short interval of time.

There are some following which we should remember

1. The group dynamics tactics are aimed at strengthening the group, making it self reliant and self-managed. Thus, it involves standard POLC strategies to enable the group to strengthen and function effectively. Planning would be required to set tasks for group members that are complimentary in nature and increase team synergy. Organizing enables in prioritizing and scheduling the activities. Leading facilitates a group to work towards common goals and avoid intra group conficts. Controlling makes a group to work within rules and regulations.

The standard POLC framework applies to tactics for group dynamics as it is the manager whose role is to make the group perform. All the basic management roles are undertaken for the welfare of team only.

2. The punctuated equillibium model suggests that the changes occur in an abrupt mode which are preceeded by inactivity and resistance by the environment.

The punctuated equillibrium model can be used to understand the resistence to change exhibited by the group. It facilitated maanger to make a decision regarding when to use the coercive powers to force the group to change.

3. A group more cohesive than the other is likely to be high in satisfaction, intra-group support and stablity.

Smaller size of a group might lead to higher cohesion. However, if the leadership is able and qualified, it can be avoided.

4. Social Loafing can occur because:

Basic tendency of a person to be more individualistic than collectivistic

Neglected from the manager or not-recognized for his work

Incompetent leadership

Intra group conflicts

To combat social loafing, it is important to have a highly dedicated and experienced leader. Apart from that, high communication between the group should be done. Rewards should be linked more with team achievement.

5. Yes, collective efficacies can hamper a team's performance. These can be witnessed in the instances wherein a single memebr leaving the group deteriorates group performance.

It also hampers group members from upgrading their skills and updating their knowledge about other domain of team activities.

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