
In: Computer Science

Using the provided dictionary, develop an encryption algorithm that will convert a user-entered string into an...

Using the provided dictionary, develop an encryption algorithm that will convert a user-entered string into an encrypted string. Print the user inputted text and the corresponding encrypted text.

cipher = {"A": "T", "B": "D", "C": "L","D": "O", "E": "F","F": "A", \ "G": "G","H": "J", "I": "K", "J": "R", "K": "I","L": "C", "M": "V", \ "N": "P", "O": "W","P": "U", "Q": "X", "R": "Y", "S": "B","T": "E", \ "U": "Z", "V": "Q", "W": "S","X": "N", "Y": "M", "Z": "H"}

b) Create a corresponding decryption algorithm that utilizes the same dictionary. Print the user inputted encryption text and the corresponding decrypted text.

could I recieve help on this python problem thanks!


Expert Solution

Part a Code for encryption:

# cipher dictionary used for encryption
cipher = {"A": "T", "B": "D", "C": "L","D": "O", "E": "F","F": "A", \
          "G": "G","H": "J", "I": "K", "J": "R", "K": "I","L": "C", "M": "V", \
          "N": "P", "O": "W","P": "U", "Q": "X", "R": "Y", "S": "B","T": "E", \
          "U": "Z", "V": "Q", "W": "S","X": "N", "Y": "M", "Z": "H"}

# function that performs encryption
def encrypt(text):
  res = ""
  #find encrypted char for each char in input and add to result
  for i in text:
    res = res + cipher[i]
  # return encrypted text
  return res

print("Enter the text to be encrypted: ",end="")
text = input()
encrypted = encrypt(text)
print("Input text is : ",text)
print("Encrypted text is : ",encrypted)

Code screenshot:

Code output:


Part B) code for decryption:

# cipher dictionary used for encryption
cipher = {"A": "T", "B": "D", "C": "L","D": "O", "E": "F","F": "A", \
          "G": "G","H": "J", "I": "K", "J": "R", "K": "I","L": "C", "M": "V", \
          "N": "P", "O": "W","P": "U", "Q": "X", "R": "Y", "S": "B","T": "E", \
          "U": "Z", "V": "Q", "W": "S","X": "N", "Y": "M", "Z": "H"}

# function to find key associated with given value in cipher
def get_key(val):
  for key, value in cipher.items():
    if(value == val):
      return key

# function that performs encryption
def decrypt(text):
  res = ""
  # for each char find the corresponding decrpyted char and add to result
  for i in text:
    res = res + get_key(i)
  return res

# take user input and perform decryption
print("Enter the text to be decrypted: ",end="")
text = input()
decrypted = decrypt(text)
print("Input text is : ",text)
print("Decrypted text is : ",decrypted)

Code Screenshot:

Code output:


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