
In: Computer Science

A customer in a store is purchasing two items. Design a program using module pseudocode that...

A customer in a store is purchasing two items. Design a program using module pseudocode that asks for the price of each item in dollars, and then displays three things in their output receipt - the subtotal of the sale in dollars, the amount of sales tax in dollars and the final amount paid by the customer in dollars. Assume the sales tax is 4 percent.


Expert Solution

// Pseudocode to display the receipt of purchasing two items

Module main
   // declare variables to store price of 2 items, subtotal, sales tax and total paid by user
   declare Real item1_price
   declare Real item2_price
   declare Real subtotal
   declare Real total
   declare Real salesTax
   // input the price for item1 and item2
   Display "Enter price of item1 in dollars: "
   Display "Enter price of item2 in dollars: "
   // calculate the subtotal, sales tax and total amount
   calculateTotal(item1_price, item2_price, subtotal, salesTax, total)
   // display the receipt containing subtotal, sales tax and total
   displayReceipt(subtotal, salesTax, total)
End Module

// Module to input and return the price of the item   
Module getPrice(Real ref price)
   Input price
End Module
// Module to calculate the total of 2 item price, sales tax on the subtotal and total amount to be paid by the user  
Module calculateTotal(Real item1_price, Real item2_price, Real ref subtotal, Real ref salesTax, Real ref total)  
   // declare variable to store the sales tax percent
   declare Real salesTaxPercent;
   Set salesTaxPercent to 4;
   // calculate subtotal as total of prices of both items
   subtotal = item1_price + item2_price;
   // calculate sales tax
   salesTax = (subtotal*salesTaxPercent)/100;
   // calculate total amount for the purchase
   total = subtotal + salesTax;
End Module  
// Module to display the subtotal, sales tax and total purchase amount
Module displayReceipt(Real subtotal, Real salesTax, Real total)
   Display "Subtotal : $",subtotal
   Display "Sales tax: $",salesTax
   Display "Total: $",total
End Module  

//end of pseudocode

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