
In: Computer Science

in C++: In date calculations an important consideration is whether or not the year is a...

in C++: In date calculations an important consideration is whether or not the year is a leap year. That extra day that we tack onto February is determined by a set of criteria that can be modeled using the mod function. These are • All years evenly divisible by 400 are leap years • Years evenly divisible by 100 but not by 400 are not leap years • Years divisible by 4 but not by 100 are leap years • All other years are not leap years. Write a program that prompts the user to enter an integer for year. The program will then determine if the year is a leap year or not. It will then print the year and whether or not it is a leap year. Possible outputs might be The year 2019 is not a leap year The year 1848 is a leap year. You will need an integer variable for year, another for remainder, and a boolean variable for isLeapYear For each of the four tests the calculation is a remainder calculation. For example for the remainder when dividing by four remainder = year%4;

Here is what I have so far, any help would be greatly appreciated!

//   Pound includes
using namespace std;

//   Function Prototypes
void printHeader(string, string);
int getData(string, int, int);
bool isLeapYear(int);
void printResults(int, bool);

int main(void) {

   // call printHeader to print the splash screen
   printHeader("Date", "Description");
   //   Declare a variable for year. Call it year. This must be an int
   int year;
   //   Declare a bool variable for if the year is a leap year. Call it leap
   bool leap;
   //   Call getData and have it return year - this is done for you
   year = getData("Enter the year: ", 1582, 100000);
   //   Call the function that determines if the year is a leap year
   leap = isLeapYear(year);
   //   Print the results using the printResults function.
   printResults(year, leap);

   return 0;
bool isLeapYear(int);
//   ISLEAPYEAR   isLeapYear(int y) determines if the integer year that was passed to
//   to the function is a leap year

   //   Create a boolean variable to store if the year is a leap year
   bool isLeap = 0;
   //   Use a multiway if - else if to determine if the year is a leap year.
   //   Start with the outermost criteria - divisible by 400. Each time you will
   //   calculate the remainder. For example r = y % 400. Then if(r == 0) it is
   //   leap year. Then do it for divisible by 100, then 4
if (year%400==0) {
isLeap = 1;
else if(year%100==0) {
isLeap = 0;
else if(year%4==0) {
isLeap = 1;
else {
isLeap = 0;
   return isLeap;

void printResults(int year, bool isLeap) {
//   PRINTRESULTS printResults(int year, bool isLeap) is wrapper function
//   that contains the cout statements used to print the results. All printing
//   should be formatted.
   //   Use an if - else structure for the printing. If isLeap is true, or 1, then it
   //   prints the year is a leap year. If it is not (else) then it prints that it
   //   is not a leap year.


//   Function Definitions
void printHeader(string dueDate, string description) {
//   PRINTHEADER void printHeader(string, string) prints the splash screen
//   using the two strings that are passed to the function from the driver.
   //   Print the splash screen
   cout << endl;
   cout << "Name" << endl;
   cout << "Class" << endl;
   cout << dueDate << endl;
   cout << description << endl;
   cout << endl;

int getData(string prompt, int minVal, int maxVal) {
//   GETDATA getData(string prompt) is wrapper function that contains the
//   cout and cin statements used to enter data into the program. The string
//   object prompt should be used in cout to print the prompt to the user.

   int n;
   //   Prompt the user with the string in the object prompt
   cout << "Enter the year: ";
   //   Use cin to have the user enter a value
   cin >> n;
   //   Add a simple if to check that the value. If it is less than minVal or
   //   greater than maxVal then the true block runs. The true block prints
   //   a message saying that the value is outside of the range and then calls
   //   the exit(13) function to quit the program
if ((n < minVal) || (n > maxVal)) {
cout << "Value, " << n << ", is outside of the range " << minval << " to " << maxVal << endl;

   return n;


Expert Solution

It seems that you only need the printResults function. Please do let me know if I missed anything.

I copied your code and executed it. There were a few errors that have been corrected and below is the code:





using namespace std;

//   Function Prototypes

void printHeader(string, string);

int getData(string, int, int);

bool isLeapYear(int);

void printResults(int, bool);

int main(void) {

   // call printHeader to print the splash screen

   printHeader("Date", "Description");

   //   Declare a variable for year. Call it year. This must be an int

   int year;

   //   Declare a bool variable for if the year is a leap year. Call it leap

   bool leap;

   //   Call getData and have it return year - this is done for you

   year = getData("Enter the year: ", 1582, 100000);

   //   Call the function that determines if the year is a leap year

   leap = isLeapYear(year);

   //   Print the results using the printResults function.

   printResults(year, leap);

   return 0;


bool isLeapYear(int year){

    bool isLeap = 0;

    if (year%400==0) {

        isLeap = 1;


    else if(year%100==0) {

        isLeap = 0;


    else if(year%4==0) {

        isLeap = 1;


    else {

        isLeap = 0;


    return isLeap;


void printResults(int year, bool isLeap) {

//   PRINTRESULTS printResults(int year, bool isLeap) is wrapper function

//   that contains the cout statements used to print the results. All printing

//   should be formatted.

     //   Use an if - else structure for the printing. If isLeap is true, or 1, then it

   //   prints the year is a leap year. If it is not (else) then it prints that it

   //   is not a leap year.


   cout<<"The year "<<year<<" is a leap year."<<endl;


   cout<<"The year "<<year<<" is not a leap year."<<endl;




//   Function Definitions

void printHeader(string dueDate, string description) {

//   PRINTHEADER void printHeader(string, string) prints the splash screen

//   using the two strings that are passed to the function from the driver.


   //   Print the splash screen

   cout << endl;

   cout << "Name" << endl;

   cout << "Class" << endl;

   cout << dueDate << endl;

   cout << description << endl;

   cout << endl;



int getData(string prompt, int minVal, int maxVal) {

//   GETDATA getData(string prompt) is wrapper function that contains the

//   cout and cin statements used to enter data into the program. The string

//   object prompt should be used in cout to print the prompt to the user.

   int n;

     //   Prompt the user with the string in the object prompt

   cout << "Enter the year: ";

   //   Use cin to have the user enter a value

   cin >> n;

   //   Add a simple if to check that the value. If it is less than minVal or

   //   greater than maxVal then the true block runs. The true block prints

   //   a message saying that the value is outside of the range and then calls

   //   the exit(13) function to quit the program

if ((n < minVal) || (n > maxVal)) {

cout << "Value, " << n << ", is outside of the range " << minVal << " to " << maxVal << endl;



   return n;


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