
In: Psychology

What strategic thinking processes might be best for you in planning your career advancement? What questions...

What strategic thinking processes might be best for you in planning your career advancement? What questions could that might spark creativity? Please provide a different answer then what has already been provided. Thanks


Expert Solution

Strategic thnking is indespensible and utmost necesary for best career planning.we are several decision take for career planning without secientific or strategic thinking .Therefore, we select such select such career where we doesn't have rquisute interst and capablities .So startigic thinking helps to analysis our own capablities , strength ,and weakness .Therefore , we can desirable career planning . Strategic thinking is to defined clear vision of my life and set objective and career goal . Besides such kind strategic thinking develop devisified and critical thinking which helps to achieve my strategic thinking process, we try to find out inner potentialities and flourish them in a suitable manner.Besides strategic thinking helps to understand what kind ability actually we have like mangement skill , art or painting ,or as a acamedecian or anything else.

There is several questions could that might spark creativity like

1. Do you use mind and concept map while studing your subject??

2. Do you have any hobbies of art , painting and music ?

3. How to drwa a classroom map?

Creativity comes from novel ideas, origninality , fluency and flexblity .so we should ask some questions which enhance divergent thinking and helps to spark creativity.

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