
In: Computer Science

How to create a divide function in (Dr Racket) programming language without using the built in...

How to create a divide function in (Dr Racket) programming language without using the built in function " / " ?


Expert Solution


Please find the required division function in DrRacket with few sample run screen shots.

(define (division numerator denominator)
  (let divide ([changnum numerator]
            [changdeno denominator]
            [incQuot 0]
            [signIndicator 1])
      [(< changnum 0)
       (divide (- changnum) changdeno incQuot (- signIndicator))]
      [(< changdeno 0)
       (divide changnum (- changdeno) incQuot (- signIndicator))]
      [(< changnum changdeno)
       (* signIndicator incQuot)]
       (divide (- changnum changdeno) changdeno (+ incQuot 1) signIndicator)])))

Thank You

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