
In: Computer Science

Python Code for 8-queens using random restart algorithms

Python Code for 8-queens using random restart algorithms


Expert Solution



import random,sys,copy

from optparse import OptionParser


import psyco


except ImportError:



cowboy code, but seems to work

USAGE: python prog <numberruns=1> <verbocity=False>


class board:

def __init__(self, list=None):

    if list == None:

      self.board = [[0 for i in range(0,8)] for j in range(0,8)]

      #initialize queens at random places

      for i in range(0,8):

        while 1:

          rand_row = random.randint(0,7)

          rand_col = random.randint(0,7)

          if self.board[rand_row][rand_col] == 0:

            self.board[rand_row][rand_col] = "Q"


    #TODO raise errors if board is not right format or dimension

#define how to print the board

def __repr__(self):

    mstr = ""

    for i in range(0,8):

      for j in range(0,8):

        mstr = mstr + str(self.board[i][j]) + " "

      mstr = mstr + "n"

    return (mstr)

class queens:

def __init__(self, numruns, verbocity, passedboard=None):

    #TODO check options

    self.totalruns = numruns

    self.totalsucc = 0

    self.totalnumsteps = 0

    self.verbocity = verbocity

    for i in range(0,numruns):

      if self.verbocity == True:

        print "===================="

        print "BOARD",i

        print "===================="

      self.mboard = board(passedboard)

      self.cost = self.calc_cost(self.mboard)


def hill_solution(self):

    while 1:

      currViolations = self.cost


      if currViolations == self.cost:


      self.totalnumsteps += 1

      if self.verbocity == True:

        print "Board Violations", self.calc_cost(self.mboard)

        print self.mboard

    if self.cost != 0:

      if self.verbocity == True:

        print "NO SOLUTION FOUND"


      if self.verbocity == True:

        print "SOLUTION FOUND"

      self.totalsucc += 1

    return self.cost

def printstats(self):

    print "Total Runs: ", self.totalruns

    print "Total Success: ", self.totalsucc

    print "Success Percentage: ", float(self.totalsucc)/float(self.totalruns)

    print "Average number of steps: ", float(self.totalnumsteps)/float(self.totalruns)

def calc_cost(self, tboard):

    #these are separate for easier debugging

    totalhcost = 0

    totaldcost = 0

    for i in range(0,8):

      for j in range(0,8):

        #if this node is a queen, calculate all violations

        if tboard.board[i][j] == "Q":

          #subtract 2 so don't count self

          #sideways and vertical

          totalhcost -= 2

          for k in range(0,8):

            if tboard.board[i][k] == "Q":

              totalhcost += 1

            if tboard.board[k][j] == "Q":

              totalhcost += 1

          #calculate diagonal violations

          k, l = i+1, j+1

          while k < 8 and l < 8:

            if tboard.board[k][l] == "Q":

              totaldcost += 1

            k +=1

            l +=1

          k, l = i+1, j-1

        while k < 8 and l >= 0:

            if tboard.board[k][l] == "Q":

              totaldcost += 1

            k +=1

            l -=1

          k, l = i-1, j+1

          while k >= 0 and l < 8:

            if tboard.board[k][l] == "Q":

              totaldcost += 1

            k -=1

            l +=1

          k, l = i-1, j-1

          while k >= 0 and l >= 0:

            if tboard.board[k][l] == "Q":

              totaldcost += 1

            k -=1

            l -=1

    return ((totaldcost + totalhcost)/2)

#this function tries moving every queen to every spot, with only one move

#and returns the move that has the leas number of violations

def getlowercostboard(self):

    lowcost = self.calc_cost(self.mboard)

    lowestavailable = self.mboard

    #move one queen at a time, the optimal single move by brute force

    for q_row in range(0,8):

      for q_col in range(0,8):

        if self.mboard.board[q_row][q_col] == "Q":

          #get the lowest cost by moving this queen

          for m_row in range(0,8):

            for m_col in range(0,8):

              if self.mboard.board[m_row][m_col] != "Q":

                #try placing the queen here and see if it's any better

                tryboard = copy.deepcopy(self.mboard)

                tryboard.board[q_row][q_col] = 0

                tryboard.board[m_row][m_col] = "Q"

                thiscost = self.calc_cost(tryboard)

                if thiscost < lowcost:

                  lowcost = thiscost

                  lowestavailable = tryboard

    self.mboard = lowestavailable

    self.cost = lowcost

if __name__ == "__main__":

parser = OptionParser()

parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="verbose",

                   action="store_false", default=True,

                   help="Don't print all the moves... wise option if using large numbers")

parser.add_option("--numrun", dest="numrun", help="Number of random Boards", default=1,


(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

mboard = queens(verbocity=options.verbose, numruns=options.numrun)


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