
In: Computer Science

trying to make a code that simulates a predator prey relationship in python, however for some...

trying to make a code that simulates a predator prey relationship in python, however for some reason my code will not show the plot, i cant find any issues with syntax or anything else, please help.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
predatorcount = []
preycount = []   

def simulate(initialpred, initialprey, preygrowth, predationrate, predshrink, predbirthrate):

prey = 1
predator = 1
while True:
prey = preycount[i]*(1+(preygrowth-predationrate*predatorcount[i]))
predator = predatorcount[i]*(1-(predshrink+predbirthrate*preycount[i]))
if prey <= 0 or predator <=0:  
i = i+1
simulate(50, 1000, 0.25, 0.01, 0.05, 0.00002)
plt.plot(range(35), predatorcount[35])
plt.plot(range(35), preycount[35])


Expert Solution


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
predatorcount = []
preycount = []   

def simulate(initialpred, initialprey, preygrowth, predationrate, predshrink, predbirthrate):
prey = 1
predator = 1
while True:
prey = preycount[i]*(1+(preygrowth-predationrate*predatorcount[i]))
predator = predatorcount[i]*(1-(predshrink+predbirthrate*preycount[i]))
if prey <= 0 or predator <=0:
i = i+1

simulate(50, 1000, 0.25, 0.01, 0.05, 0.00002)



Note: In plot() you should give list values not range

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