
In: Operations Management

analyse the various types of Gantt charts Gus bell and Jeff can use to schedule preparations...

analyse the various types of Gantt charts Gus bell and Jeff can use to schedule preparations for the above negotiation.


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The Gantt chart provides a standard graphical representation by scheduling information, it does this by listing all their relevant activities in a logical sequence with their durations and key dates to assist project managers in controlling their key activities down to the various levels required in order to make any project a success, it is therefore critical to map and track all the relevant information on the Gantt Chart to assist in that regard.

In the (PMBOK guide, 2017) Gantt chart is defined as a bar chart of schedule information where the activities are listed on the vertical axis, dates are shown on the horizontal axis and activity durations are shown as the horizontal bars placed according to start and finish dates. This tracking system is very simple and easy to understand and any project manager can simply track and manage the effects of activities on the project if one can understand the simple trend of the Gantt chart the success of achieving activity success should be found distinctively.

The figure 5. below shows a simple Gantt chart for constructing an RDP house in a rural community the Gantt chartt shows the activities, dates and tracking chart for the construction the house this simple chart gives a graphical depiction of what is required and when key dates are to be met in order to deliver the house the owner and when the house can be handed over to the owner. There are however four variations of the Gantt chart which will be discussed further.

The four types of variations of the Gantt chart are the following:

1) Revised Gantt Chart

2) Rolling Gantt Chart

3) Trend Gantt Chart

4) Logic Gantt Chart

Revised Gantt Chart

The revised Gantt chart is a tracking sheet that allows us to make further changes and updates to the baseline programme as the project progresses through its stages of completions. According to (PMBOK guide, 2017) the Gantt chart was originally designed as a planning and controlling tool where the actual progress of the project is marked up against the original plan. For tracking the progress, the progress bars are drawn above, inside or below the original activity bar in order to measure the progress this will give an indication to the project managers if the activities are running ahead or behind its schedule and where more controls will be required.

For the Gantt chart to be effective the baseline plan needs to be completed and fixed into position, where the only changes can be those done if there is a change in the scope of works required by the client. Once the baseline plan is complete in order to revise the Gantt chart the project manager will need to set up a progress reporting sheet which is shown on the following table 3 the progress tracking needs to be done as the project progresses and must be reported next to a work breakdown structure number or activity number, the start and finish dates must also be shown to clearly show whether the activity has started or finished.



RDP House

Report Date:



Activity Number


Start Date

Finish Date

Percentage Complete

Remaining Duration



Dig Foundations




2 days



Pour Concrete




Construct Walls




1 day



Install Doors




Install Roof




3 days





Table 3: Progress reporting data capture template

Once all this information has been reported on the progress report the project manager can draw the revised Gantt chart using the remaining duration as the Gantt chart works on a time scale schedule and not a percentage complete scale as the percentage complete does not give a direct indication of when an activity will be completed or is running behind schedule. Figure 6 shows the revised Gantt chart with the progress drawn in yellow up to the timenow line. The progress tracking shows that activity 1 has a remaining duration of one week and is ahead which means that no control is required on this activity. Activity 3 has a remaining duration of 2 weeks and also required no control as the activity is on time. Activity 5 however needs control as it shows that the activity is one week behind schedule therefore this activity needs to speed up to progress in order to finish the activity on time and this can be achieved by allocating more resources from other activities in order to the achieve this.

The revised Gantt chart is easy to understand as it clearly indicates progress to date against the original baseline Gantt chart and it also provides access to access on the controls required to achieve activity success. Progress trends can also be marked up by showing the progress on the Gantt chart and the tracking can assist the project manager in controlling the project and bring activities back on track to achieve success as any disruptions on key dates due to delays and all this information can be clearly tracked on the revised Gantt chart as it allows the project manager to make changes and additions as the project progresses.

Rolling Horizon Gantt Chart

The rolling horizon Gantt chart or rolling wave Gantt chart According to (PMBOK guide, 2017) this Gantt chart is a simplified version of the Gantt chart that focuses on the activities that are currently working or will be working in the next few weeks. This chart therefore focuses on a short period ahead during the life cycle of activities.

This short period of time can be between two or three weeks ahead for the activities being worked on, and four weeks ahead for ensuring all the pre-planning measures are in place. The Gantt chart in Figure 7 can be completed by preparing a planning template which includes the scope of work broken down into more simple activities and can be marked by hand on the original Gantt chart which will give the project manager clear indication of progress.

Figure 7: Rolling Horizon Gantt chart – the chart shows how a Gantt chart can be marked by hand for the next two or three weeks.

The main objective will be on what can be done, instead of what s shown on the original Gantt chart, this type of activity tracking should be very accurate as it is captured on the latest activity information and drawn up by personnel who is working directly with the activity and its progress. It is also very quick to access and it only includes the relevant information on the current activities that are currently being carried out.

3) Trend Gantt Chart

The progress trend Gantt chart can enable a project manager to determine the direction and trend the project is at a glance by marking the progress weekly or monthly. This will assist the project manager to determine which of the activities are behind and which are ahead of schedule. In order to limit the number of activities the trend Gantt chart can be drawn at hammock level.

According to (Burke, 2019) a hammock or summary activity is used to gather together a number of sub-activities into one master activity, which becomes a useful technique for layering or rolling up the entire projects schedule. The Gantt chart with hammock activities will assist the project manager by providing him with more detail on each activity this will also assist him greatly as one can track the progress of each activity.


Activity Description

Mon 1

Tue 2

Wed 3

Thu 4

Fri 5

Sat 6

Sun 7

Mon 8

Tue 9

Wed 10

1000 Foundations

             1001 Set out Foundation

             1002 Excavate Foundation

             1003 Cast Concrete Foundation

2000 Construct Walls

3000 Install Roof

Figure 8: Hammock Gantt Chart – shows the hammock activity bar drawn in blue from start of the earliest activity to the end of the latest activity; the subactivities are shown in green.

The level of detail on this Gantt chart can be seen to assist the project manager as this technique is a fundamental feature for tracking the project planning and for controlling the activities this detailed level does not need to be shown to client but is beneficial to the project team in order to track the progress as each activity is being completed.

4) Logic Gantt Chart

The logic Gantt chart shows the logical relationship between activities and is shown clearly and in detail on the Gantt chart format. Due to the logic Gantt chart showing the relationship of activities it is also known as the linked Gantt chart since all the activities are linked to one another. This Gantt chart can only be used on modest sized project as is it not as effective on larger projects because

This Gantt chart illustrates the logical relationships of activities explicitly in Gantt chart format. This Gantt chart is very appropriate for modest sized projects. The logic Gantt chart is also known as a linked Gantt chart. This chart is not effective on larger projects because of the sear number of activities on large projects. Too many activities will result in the chart becoming much cluttered and its use will not be as effective in such a scenario.

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