What instructions should be given to E.B.'s daughter
concerning safety around the home?
Coming home from the hospital or rehab after amputation can be a
very different experience and figuring out what needs to be
modified can be a big decision and one that might change as time
goes on.As our patient is lower limb amputee ,the safety in home
plays a great role and the home arrangment needs to be changed to
adapt a wheel chair initally and later with the prosthesis
mobility.Here are some instructions proposed for Mr. E.B's home
safety .
Entrance way/Living Area
- If you have stairs leading your house entrance,then make a ramp
to enter into the house, you may not want this to be a permanent
fixture,later it might be removed once the patient start adapted to
prosthesis. •
- Adequate lighting to be provided outside the house to prevent
- • Need a hand rail or grab rail on the steps leading up to your
entryway, this can be helpful for amputee till he get used to
- . • You may also need to have doorways widened or offset hinges
can be installed on doors for the easy passage
of wheelchair within the house.
- Floor and environment should be free of clutters
- • wedge cushions will be helpful in transfering from on chair
to other or to wheel chair.
Kitchen :
- kitchen sink to be adapted to accomodate the wheel chair
- • Adding pull-down shelves to make contents reachable from a
wheelchair. •
- Lowering the kitchen cabinets so that they are accessible from
a wheelchair. I
- • Utilize the lower cabinets for the items that you need daily
and keep items on the counter top.
- Rearrangment of bedroom to ensure adequate spacing for wheel
chair mobility.
- Environment should be free of clutters.
- Adequate lighting in the room.
- There are many ways to transfer into your bed, tools can
include transfer boards, grab poles and hoyer lifts
- keep the crutches ,wheel chair or prosthesis near in the night
to use on urgent basis
- Arrange for a shower bench /chair in the bathroom.
- Grab bar can be installed in bathroom for shower bench ,chair
- A non-slip mat for the floor of the shower can make showering
standing up safer.
- Using liquid soaps, shampoos, etc. with a pump head can be an
easier way to maintain balance while in the shower.
- Grab bars should be fixed for transfering to toilet seat.
- Adequate night lighting in bathroom should be provided.