
In: Nursing

In this case study, Ruth’s previous encounters with mothers of premature infants and her knowledge of...

In this case study, Ruth’s previous encounters with mothers of premature infants and her knowledge of the family experience inform her nursing actions. Experienced nurses incorporate much information simultaneously. Notice that Ruth determines that the baby’s physiologic condition is stable while she is beginning to interact with the mother. In this action, she is prioritizing patient safety. While she interacts with the mother, Ruth may interpret Cassandra’s behavior as a pattern sometimes displayed by mothers in the NICU. She understands how frightening it is to have a hospitalized newborn and knows from experience that fear can take on many faces. This may be evidence of Ruth’s intrapersonal characteristics that value empathy and consider the patient experience. Rather than focusing on Cassandra’s negative response to her, Ruth focuses on relationship building before moving on to teaching. This action opens the door to effective teaching. Notice that Ruth takes some time afterward to consider what went well in this challenging situation. This will inform future interactions with mothers of patients.

In what ways could reflection on the action be encouraged as part of nurses’ professional lives?

How do the interpretive and standards-based approaches to clinical judgment compare in relationship with the goal of patient-centered care?


Expert Solution

Patient centerd care was acomprehensive and holistic caring approach in neonatal intensive care, there for it is highly recommended. expert perfomance of nurses is depend upon continual learning and evaluation of performance.the cliniciance ability to provide safe, high quality care can be depend up on their ability to reason think and judge which can be limited by lack of experience. critical thinking in nursing is an essential componant of professional accountabilitty and quality of nursing care. The impact of intimacy and attachment theories on neonates growth led to development at new policies by health and medical departments. They provided these care through observing neonat's behaviour as a practical guide. this led to progress in family centerd care in which neonate considerd as individual being. This approach as a team oriented and multi deciplinary one involves families in breast feeding, kangaroo care, care planning and limitless presence besides their neonates. It enables the family members to take care of their neonates with less expences and optimal quality. Patient centered care considerd as part of supplimentary protection and it include following points

  1. Respect for patient values, preferences and expressed needs
  2. Coordination and integration of care
  3. Information, communication and education
  4. Physical comfort
  5. Emotional support and alleviation of fear and anxiety
  6. Involvement of family and friends
  7. Continuity and transition.

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