
In: Computer Science

An exceptions lab. Create a new class named EnterInfo Request user enter name and age Accept...

An exceptions lab.

  • Create a new class named EnterInfo
  • Request user enter name and age
  • Accept a string and an int
  • Use custom Exception to warn user when name is blank
  • Use custom Exception to warn user when age is invalid
    • 0 > age > 120
  • Use general Exception to warn user when age is not an int
  • Loop through until user enters all valid data


Expert Solution


import java.util.*;

//custom exception for blank name
class BlankException extends Exception
BlankException(String str)

//custom exception for invalid age
class InvalidException extends Exception
InvalidException(String str)

class EnterInfo
public static void main(String args[])

String name,age;
Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter your name: ");

throw new BlankException("Name should not be blank!!");

System.out.print("Enter your age(0 > age > 120): ");;
if(Integer.parseInt(age)<0 || Integer.parseInt(age)>120)
throw new InvalidException("Age has to be greater than 0 and less than 120");


catch(BlankException be)
catch(InvalidException ie)
catch(NumberFormatException nf)


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