
In: Operations Management

Prepare a Communications Manual/Guidelines/Strategy covering the areas of Intercultural/Cross-cultural, which have to be kept in mind...

  1. Prepare a Communications Manual/Guidelines/Strategy covering the areas of Intercultural/Cross-cultural, which have to be kept in mind during Decision Making in the Organisation. (1000 words)

Note: You can consider any IT company and India as work place OR YOU can chose based on you choice with assumption.

  1. Prepare a Communications Manual/Guidelines/Strategy covering the areas of Interpersonal, which have to be kept in mind during Decision Making in the Organisation . (1000 words)

Note: You can consider any IT company and India as work place OR YOU can chose based on you choice with assumption.


Expert Solution

Google Company in India:

The company like Google at India where everyone interested and always ready to work with such companies. Because of the work atmosphere and other facilities. For most of the Indians it’s a dream job or target that set to get the job in such companies.

But the intercultural activities and decision making structure at Google would be difficult to understand the India man power mentality. The employees are always dedicated and ready to work for even low wages, the high skilled employees and easy motivation culture encourage every company to work with India.

Most of the companies are interested and establish the company at India because of easy culture adoptions and healthy work place. There are so many branches that are established and almost all the top It companies are working with India because of its intercultural and other aspects.

India is one of the fast developing country where the rest of the countries are willing to work and develop a good relationship. This is due to the unique characteristic features of the country. The highly skilled, low wages and motivated personnel. But in terms of intercultural India is still learning to develop those areas. There are few things that still bother in understanding the cultural aspects of doing business with foreign companies. As the country is developing day by day in all aspects and maintain the relationship with the other parts of the country the cultural and other things it will take some time to understand completely.

The foreign company’s cultures and other aspects are different compared with India. Right from communication to work structure everything is different. The intercultural things might change as per the county and its cultures. The communication manual, guidelines, strategy that has to be strictly followed during the decision making in the organization.

The right form greeting to communicating things everything will change at Indian work place. The people behaviour at work place, the way they express, the problem solving etc. various functions of the organization changes as per the culture of the location.

The way the leaders communicate at work place will always have an effectiveness. The employees always communicate in their native language more than foreign language. The way they greet and treat always makes a difference. The behaviour at work place of native country influence and other aspects like eating habits, greeting, meeting etc. are as per their culture.

Intercultural Communications:

The communication plays an important role in any organization the applicability of the communication need to be mention clearly to avoid any miscommunication at work place. The transmission of information individuals and groups are well defined to understand every individual or groups.

· Always a proper communication to employees are very important to follow the rules and policies and any sudden changes in the company. The prior information is always expected at work place especially in Indian work place

· The strict communications are very effective at work place

· Leader based communication at work environment is always expected. So whatever the information that follow through the leaders who are leading the staffs will be more effective than the external communications

· Always intercultural skills are important for foreign companies to understand and communicate the information in a more effective manner to prevent gaps in culture.

· It also helps to learn the foreign culture and also enhance the knowledge, awareness and develop practical skills

· The native language impact will be more at work place which always demands all communication through native language. But slowly the company has to train the staff to control such activities at work place for better communication standards

· It includes everything the body language, behaviour and other factors which are different at Indian work place. The company has to understand and practice such things to move at work areas


Each and every guideline are framed to guide everyone on the same path to avoid distractions. Right from breaks to leave policy each and every information need to be send to teams to follow strictly.

· The strict guidelines are always important at work place to follow

· Indians are good at delivering the assigned works in a faster way that means more productive

· Always looks for people to manage and give proper guidelines to follow

· A support based environment is always expected to react to the situations

· Everything should be in written format, the oral communications are less effective at the work places

Decision making strategies:

The strategies that are prepared in the company’s in such a way to make everyone equal and same at work place. The opportunities for all genders should be made equal for better work culture.

· The strategies that are played in such a way to attract various employees in the organization

· The employees are more enthusiastic to participate in various programs and activities lets conduct the activities that boost for higher productions

· The better incentive system and more pay for more production work atmosphere brings great results. The extra work hours and extra payment will attract most of the Indian employees

· Social inequality gap always reminds people that he/she is low or high. There are always differences in inequality at work place

· Even gender inequality is more at work place. The less opportunity for women workers for high level in Indian culture are more compared with foreign countries

· The relationship between the individual or the group are less comparatively foreign culture

· There are always issues with gender bias at work place

· Assault and harassments are less compared with foreign counties. Health work atmosphere are expected at work place

· Be specific to apply the organization goals with staff goals for better outcome and successful results

· The high motivation and support always brings great results

· The less wages are also one of the strategy that can be applied at Indian work place

· The highly competitive behaviour at work place

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Prepare a Communications Manual/Guidelines/Strategy covering the areas of Intercultural/Cross-cultural, which have to be kept in mind...
Prepare a Communications Manual/Guidelines/Strategy covering the areas of Intercultural/Cross-cultural, which have to be kept in mind during Decision Making in the Organisation. (1000 words) Prepare a Communications Manual/Guidelines/Strategy covering the areas of Interpersonal, which have to be kept in mind during Decision Making in the Organisation . (1000 words)